Saturday 27 February 2016

Living in the moment

I love unexpected experiences and have to admit that this past week has been the greatest unexpected ones thus far in 2016 (although it's been only 58 days)

Starting with a cab ride the other evening, Abraham who was driving had a kind & gentle voice.  One of reason and his words came so eloquently and poignant.  As if he could read how I thought and most importantly what I needed to hear.  

He spoke about his journey, in a positive way.  As if he had nothing to lose by sharing his life story.  Telling me to live life for the moment.  How we cannot hope for tomorrow and that yesterdays mistakes are gone, to forget them.  How there is so much negative in this world, we need to share and open our minds to the good, the positive.  I couldn't have agreed more.  The smile on my face warmed my heart.  I had to ask for his card so that next time I was in need of a ride, he would be the first one for me to call.  

This past 20 days though?  It's been an eye opening journey.  I don't know where life will go but I do know how I'll get there.  Not needing to share the details it's the outcome of the past 20 days that have made me look in the metaphorical mirror.

Although life makes one grow, sometimes it's the physical presence of another that helps you become a bit stronger, learning to have faith in yourself when others see the real you while perhaps your head is in the sand.

Finding the happiness in every day moments are what fuels us.  You many not know it however look at the times you smiled at a kind gesture, a hug, a word and sight.  Don't discount those.  Let your harder moments go, they cannot be undone.  Live in the moment, not the past.  Create your future, be an inspiration and above all, believe in yourself.  Take this one step further and before you forget about the most important step, thank the person who gave you a "moment" to drive you to becoming a better you.  

Monday 22 February 2016

Trust yourself

Life is going to toss you through some big stuff.  It's going to test you, your values and inner strength.  

If you start to doubt what you are living through, ask yourself why.  

Life only comes once and is here for an undermined amount of time.  Do what your gut tells you and run with it.  

A few years back, I was asked to emcee the companies Christmas party.  I wanted to have some fun, but carefully.  At the time, I was working part time in the mail room / reception.  I had to introduce the head of our office.  My gut told me what I wanted to do would be okay.  Well, the evening started and I spoke about the company, my coworkers and then had to introduce him.  I had it ready, the DJ to play the theme song to rocky as he walked up.  

Queue: Thank you once again for coming tonight, and now I'd like to invite (omitting name for privacy) up to say a few words.  

Song starts... 

He get's up and looks at me and said "I've never been introduced that way in my entire life"  everyone laughed.  He then spoke about something I did for a friend.  Nothing I ever touted about but it was something that came naturally and was driven by passion.  What I thought was a simple gesture, a fundraiser of sorts.  I was taken aback that he noticed and even thought of mentioning.

The rest of the evening went well enough but inside I knew what I had been doing for the past few months was right.  Was good.  I had trusted my gut for the first time in years and started to feel something which I can say was confidence.  This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.  

Do yourself a favour; trust your gut.  Amazing things will happen!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Wrapping up Random Acts of Kindness week

I'll take a deep sigh every time someone asks me why I speak loudly about kind acts.  

Volunteering is something someone may do to lose themselves.  (deep sigh)

Something one does to get accolades. (deep sigh)

Then someone asked, "why do something for a someone when they can do it themselves?" (deep sigh)

I'll tell you why to share the moments you live, why you do what you do. 

It's to help and to learn.

To show others that can, how easy it is to give and how it makes changes.  

Sitting here, alone with my computer listening to the soft tempo of a song that inspires me.  Words pouring out onto this electronic paper wanting to .. needing to make a difference.

Listen, life won't change with just prayer.  With a thought.  With you hiding behind a false pretence that tomorrow everything will be okay if you hide under the blankets, pillows above your head.  That darling, is hiding.  That darling isn't making a change.   

I can't expect everyone to understand my actions and I am truly okay with that.  What I'm more okay with is, the fact that every single day, I make the choice to do something.  

Perhaps your actions will make a difference.  Perhaps it won't, but don't give up.  

I started on this amazing journey to change myself, make change outside of myself and I'm going to run with it.  Join me on it or sit back and watch something amazing happen. 

Never discount the act of kindness, no matter how small each one is worth more than anything you will every see, experience or be given. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Don't worry

Tonight I had a great visit with my friend Rebecca.  We went to an event that discussed nutrition.  Before it started, I got going..

I was telling Rebecca about how a few weeks ago, I was wound up like a tight yo-yo worried about what was out of my control, how I kept losing sleep thinking, analyzing, worrying.

What I've come to terms with is that I have let go.  

Let go of what could be, could have been or what may happen.  I read all the time about how to walk away from things that eat you up inside.  Negativity, heart break or stress.  None of those are productive and helpful in your life.  

What you can do is control your reaction to external circumstances.  Be the best you and it should fall into place.  If it doesn't, don't worry.  It wasn't meant to be.  

Monday 15 February 2016

Wanting peace

Life changes, life happens.  We evolve and try to become a human that reflects what we believe we are.  Sometimes by choice, at times by chance.  

I wouldn't want to change how life has happened in this journey.  With the bad, good comes and at times, wonderful things blossom.  

As a young lady, my thoughts were that I would find someone to complete me, until the past few years it was still something I thought it was the truth.  Forgetting to look at myself and see that I was doing it all on my own.  

Creating happiness, regardless of where I was.  Gardening outside with music playing in my ears.  Discovering bees weren't my enemy and that I could work with them.  Spending time with others that were struggling in tough times, learning that my sadness could be another's joy. Listening with the intent to listen to my children, learning who they were instead of trying to create a person.   

Happiness isn't external.  It's not brought on by being around others.  No longer hoping they will lift me but by accepting who I am or the choices I've made.  I won't wait for a call, a text and message to complete me.  I choose to start living on my own.

Each day, I am becoming happier for who I am.  If someone happens, it will not be a hand to take, to guide me but a life to share.  I was asked, "What is it you are looking for as a partner?  What is it you want?"  My reply?  "They have to be kind, everything else will fall into place if it's right."

Saturday 13 February 2016

Changing your thought process

This week has been amazing, my gratitude spilling over and truth be told, my cheeks hurt from smiling.  

I love seeing positive results.  How just paying it forward comes back and doing the right thing reflects in not only how you feel but what happens.  

I went to register my son in his yearly lacrosse and spoke to a friend, Jody.  She's been a friend, long time advocate of being positive, and putting in 100%  someone I've always admired. 

Last night we were chatting about life and how I've seen so many positive things happen in the past few months that have left me literally, speechless.   I have always believed in giving, doing and being kind.  It's not something I've intentionally done but grew up with from my family doing the same.  My mum, she helped out many and without seeing it, things always came back to help us.  We didn't understand it then, but I clearly do now.  Fortune isn't about money or items , it's about much more.. which I truly don't feel I can put into words some days.  

Back to talking to Jody last night.  She mentioned that her life's outlook is changing and seeing the positive, doing the positive is truthfully a way that makes her happy.  At least, this is how I understood our conversation.  You should have seen her face light up talking about this.  Even her body language was completely encouraging and infectious.  I picked up on it and within seconds, my energy changed.  

(not that it was much off her's but I had a few thoughts of worry going through my head, all of which evaporated after seeing her)  

Jody told me about a time her and her husband were shopping and he found a $20.00 bill.  As tempting as it was to use it, they decided to hand it in to someone who worked at the store.  

Later on, they decided to grab themselves to a coffee where the cost might range to $14.00 when they went to pay, the cashier told them the machine was down and their coffees were free.  

This is what happens when you least expect it.  Giving isn't about keeping track, being kind isn't about what you get from it.  Just being simply you, a smile, a hug, a kind and honest gesture ... The simplicity of it astounds me every single day.

I'm not in the business of kindness, it's just part of me and who I've evolved into.  Let yourself go and see what happens.  

Tuesday 9 February 2016

The best things in life

The best things in life are not found in a store.  They can't be bought.  They aren't something you wear or even see.  

The best things in life are from those around you who know exactly who you are.  They use words and gestures, they listen and touch.  They make plans and memories.  They are the warmth in your heart and the last breath that escapes you when you tell someone you love them.  

I walked away from "physical things" to gain this perspective and discover the most valuable parts in life are these: 

A hug, kiss, touch a word and trust.  

No one, not a single person can take those away.  Once given, they are yours forever.  They are in your mind, your heart and give passion to your soul.  When you learn to let go of stuff and live for the moment you'll discover the best things in life.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Stop making excuses

It's normal to feel down from time to time, accepting this feeling is important.  What's more important is to let it go.  

I refuse to give power to someone or something to change who I truly am.  This girl, in a nut shell is a bit whimsical and big hearted.  I tend to live life to the fullest, laughing a lot.  I smile tons too!  How, when I'm feeling down?  I see the brighter side in life.  

I may be at the gym, I see a person with a physical disability doing their best.  I see another that may be where I was a year ago, struggling to run a lap.  I see children running around, laughing.  I hear friends chatting over coffee sharing a moment.  Opportunities to see the better side of life lighten my heart.  

When friends use the term "we" or "us" warms my heart.  It's not about the "me" or "I".  

I admit, when I am with our without someone I car karaoke.  Loud and proud.  I may not have the voice of who I am singing to but I enjoy it.  



It makes me happy.  I toss the excuses out the window and just enjoy the moment.  Give it a try and just let go.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Finding peace

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Picture a white sheet in front of you.

Shutting out the world is as important as welcoming diversity in life.  You need to find peace inside at times.

Take a moment to just close everything out and focus on simply nothing.  Bring yourself back to a place where there was less energy, less chaos and more peace.  

I took my son away for just under 24 hours to my cousins farm last weekend.  While things were going on around us, faster than I could do much about, I felt the need to find some peace.  Just being with a few that loved us for who we were, without question gave me the start to a clean, white sheet.  Where my focus became clear and my thoughts less scattered. 

I just let go.  

I know we all can't get away to a place that we think will bring us peace but perhaps we need to start learning to bring it to us.  

Close your eyes.  Start with a white blank sheet.  Picture it.  Then, take a moment to reflect on times in your life where you've had good thoughts.  Listen to your heart beat & your breath.  Make a choice to breathe slower.  Shut out the noise around you and focus on nothing other than how you are feeling.  

This is what I do sometimes when I can't get away.  It is a way of reflecting on what's going on and where I'm going.  It might actually help you too.  Just a thought.. 

I'm sitting here in front of my computer screen, with a slight grin and my head tilted to the side.  At this moment, I found a little peace.  Why?  As I typed that entire process, I lived it too.   

Tuesday 2 February 2016

I dare you

In today's world, we spend time hiding behind keyboards, screens and phones.  Afraid to speak the truth, afraid of touch, afraid of falling and becoming hurt.  

Today I date you
To be honest.  Speak the truth.  Use your lips, vocal chords and lungs.
To touch.  Hug, feel walk and taste.
To explore.  Life, friends, family and most importantly, yourself.
Leave the keyboard, screen and phones, live life.

What is love?

It's been almost 44 years for me to learn this.   

Love is accepting

Of change and opinions

Love is diverse

It learns and evolves but never stands still

Love is compassion

It understands and listens

Love is encouragement

It is constructive and always giving

Love endures

It will remain with you until your last breath

Love is unconditional

It has no boundaries, no time zones, no limits