Monday 22 February 2016

Trust yourself

Life is going to toss you through some big stuff.  It's going to test you, your values and inner strength.  

If you start to doubt what you are living through, ask yourself why.  

Life only comes once and is here for an undermined amount of time.  Do what your gut tells you and run with it.  

A few years back, I was asked to emcee the companies Christmas party.  I wanted to have some fun, but carefully.  At the time, I was working part time in the mail room / reception.  I had to introduce the head of our office.  My gut told me what I wanted to do would be okay.  Well, the evening started and I spoke about the company, my coworkers and then had to introduce him.  I had it ready, the DJ to play the theme song to rocky as he walked up.  

Queue: Thank you once again for coming tonight, and now I'd like to invite (omitting name for privacy) up to say a few words.  

Song starts... 

He get's up and looks at me and said "I've never been introduced that way in my entire life"  everyone laughed.  He then spoke about something I did for a friend.  Nothing I ever touted about but it was something that came naturally and was driven by passion.  What I thought was a simple gesture, a fundraiser of sorts.  I was taken aback that he noticed and even thought of mentioning.

The rest of the evening went well enough but inside I knew what I had been doing for the past few months was right.  Was good.  I had trusted my gut for the first time in years and started to feel something which I can say was confidence.  This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.  

Do yourself a favour; trust your gut.  Amazing things will happen!

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