Tuesday 9 February 2016

The best things in life

The best things in life are not found in a store.  They can't be bought.  They aren't something you wear or even see.  

The best things in life are from those around you who know exactly who you are.  They use words and gestures, they listen and touch.  They make plans and memories.  They are the warmth in your heart and the last breath that escapes you when you tell someone you love them.  

I walked away from "physical things" to gain this perspective and discover the most valuable parts in life are these: 

A hug, kiss, touch a word and trust.  

No one, not a single person can take those away.  Once given, they are yours forever.  They are in your mind, your heart and give passion to your soul.  When you learn to let go of stuff and live for the moment you'll discover the best things in life.

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