Saturday 13 February 2016

Changing your thought process

This week has been amazing, my gratitude spilling over and truth be told, my cheeks hurt from smiling.  

I love seeing positive results.  How just paying it forward comes back and doing the right thing reflects in not only how you feel but what happens.  

I went to register my son in his yearly lacrosse and spoke to a friend, Jody.  She's been a friend, long time advocate of being positive, and putting in 100%  someone I've always admired. 

Last night we were chatting about life and how I've seen so many positive things happen in the past few months that have left me literally, speechless.   I have always believed in giving, doing and being kind.  It's not something I've intentionally done but grew up with from my family doing the same.  My mum, she helped out many and without seeing it, things always came back to help us.  We didn't understand it then, but I clearly do now.  Fortune isn't about money or items , it's about much more.. which I truly don't feel I can put into words some days.  

Back to talking to Jody last night.  She mentioned that her life's outlook is changing and seeing the positive, doing the positive is truthfully a way that makes her happy.  At least, this is how I understood our conversation.  You should have seen her face light up talking about this.  Even her body language was completely encouraging and infectious.  I picked up on it and within seconds, my energy changed.  

(not that it was much off her's but I had a few thoughts of worry going through my head, all of which evaporated after seeing her)  

Jody told me about a time her and her husband were shopping and he found a $20.00 bill.  As tempting as it was to use it, they decided to hand it in to someone who worked at the store.  

Later on, they decided to grab themselves to a coffee where the cost might range to $14.00 when they went to pay, the cashier told them the machine was down and their coffees were free.  

This is what happens when you least expect it.  Giving isn't about keeping track, being kind isn't about what you get from it.  Just being simply you, a smile, a hug, a kind and honest gesture ... The simplicity of it astounds me every single day.

I'm not in the business of kindness, it's just part of me and who I've evolved into.  Let yourself go and see what happens.  

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