Wednesday 9 March 2016

Loving yourself first

Listening to, what I feel is a bit of soul music, as I do, I gain some confidence and reflect on the past 44 years.  

I've got this silly grin, head tilted to the right and the fear of letting my confidence is falling to the side.

Mum could have told me until she was blue in the face that loving myself comes first.  In my head though, I always thought it was selfish.  Think of me first?  (I'm squinting my nose while typing this even).  

She was right.  I can't accept anything in my life until I accept myself completely.  Here's something you can do right now.  

Take a look at something you feel is your biggest physical flaw.  Turn it around to think this out loud.. yes, say it.  This isn't a flaw, this is what makes me unique!  We were not born perfect so why are we trying to be that now?  

Being all the same, we have similar energy, a light that shines.  It's letting it out for everyone else to see when we are ready.  Don't worry, if you don't think it's time now, it will be one day.  You'll expose your amazing, beautiful person to someone and they will love you when you are ready.  When you finally see that the biggest love you need in your life is the one you have for yourself.  

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