Wednesday 17 February 2016

Don't worry

Tonight I had a great visit with my friend Rebecca.  We went to an event that discussed nutrition.  Before it started, I got going..

I was telling Rebecca about how a few weeks ago, I was wound up like a tight yo-yo worried about what was out of my control, how I kept losing sleep thinking, analyzing, worrying.

What I've come to terms with is that I have let go.  

Let go of what could be, could have been or what may happen.  I read all the time about how to walk away from things that eat you up inside.  Negativity, heart break or stress.  None of those are productive and helpful in your life.  

What you can do is control your reaction to external circumstances.  Be the best you and it should fall into place.  If it doesn't, don't worry.  It wasn't meant to be.  

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