Monday 29 December 2014

A hockey mum vent

Being a hockey mum for 9 years now I’ve partly developed some thick skin, a tolerance to ignorance *rolling my eyes* and a strong ability to put my head in the sand knowing full well when to actually use my filter on thoughts that so desperately want to come through my lips onto the ears of those who seem to need it.  

All in all, I’m happy my youngest son is happy.  Really, he’s got this uncanny ability to let the snark comments roll off his shoulder and skate through a tough loss with a smile.  He’s got it partly figured out.  Who gives a rats ass if you had fun.  I’ve told him over and over again, unless it will make a difference 10 years from now, ride it.  Have fun and laugh.

Don’t get me wrong.  His desire to win is more than I can say for some of the kids I’ve seen out on the ice for the past 9 years.  I’ve seen parents put their kids in hockey when it’s crystal clear they don’t want to even step into an arena.  I get it.  Before having a child in hockey, I could have cared less.  Yep, I said it.  

Now though, seeing what it taught me, what hockey actually gave me... I wouldn’t take it back.  I love it. 

It’s not just about hockey though.  It’s about the friends I’ve met along the way.  The lessons I’ve learnt and the strength I’ve gained.  

That’s only me.  I can’t imagine what my son’s gained but let me say a few things that have really make me upset this year. 

He made the Bantam AA team.  I am proud that he did it with all the effort he put in.  I am proud FOR him.  We have a mixed bag of players and parents.  From what I can tell, some of them have coached or managed a team so they know what it’s about.  The coaches?  Ha!  I LOVE them!  These guys have stuck together from a young age playing hockey as a family and team.  I’ve been excited from day 1 to see where we go.  That being said.... it’s been a tough one so far.

Well, our record doesn’t speak volumes of a AA Bantam team.  The boys have won one game.  

Grumblings from parents have been going on.  

“It’s everything to do with the coaches, if I were up there...”.
“The kids aren’t playing as a team, they need to skate harder, if I was on the bench, I would..."
Really?  Here’s my opinion... and I really don’t care what you have to say if you are a parent on this team or any other team that isn’t as successful as you wanted.

Shut up.  Yep, I said it.  Stop trying to coach your child from the car.  Stop telling them what “You would do better”.  Stop interfering with the coaches that are TRYING their best to build a team but find it an uphill battle with your negative, destructive comments.  LET the boys learn on their own how to play as a team.  Stay positive regardless of the outcome or SHUT UP!  Ask your child what they think, how they feel.  

If your child hears what you say, they will reflect it in their lives be it hockey, school or friendships.  They are easily influenced and will more than likely start to personify your behaviour.  Is that really what you want when you exemplify that behaviour?

Ah... it’s just my opinion.  I’ll parent my child, you parent yours.  Just remember, a winning team starts at home.  

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