Sunday 28 May 2017

Being honest with yourself

Let me be brutally honest.  More so than usual.

I swear sometimes.

 I get sad... I mean, down right boo hoo, want to crawl in a hole and lose myself.


I doubt myself.

I question a lot of my choices and reactions.

I am afraid of thunder and butterfly's.

Sometimes I talk in my sleep when my mind is full and the thoughts spill over.

I mostly hold judgment on myself. Anything I do is a result of one question, "would I be proud of this choice?"

Aside all those negative things these are the ones I am proud to be honest about.

I swear sometimes times. I've learnt some words can be used to express emotions, even if they sound crude. 

I cry, abundantly and honestly but then feel a lot better.

I doubt myself but I know that if I didn't I'd be living life ignorantly. 

I may be afraid of nature but I'll embrace it too.  I sit in the stillness of a storm and watch a butterfly transform and fly away.  

I know when I talk in my sleep, I am relaxed enough to do so and trust.

When I hold judgement on myself, I make myself accountable and more often than not, if a change is needed, I'll do that too. 

What is being told here, isn't about me so much as it's about the truth of who we all are.  To recognize and accept.  To know what we do is something we have to be proactive about at times and, during our valleys, to learn that it's okay, things will turn around when we are ready and willing. 

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