Saturday 20 February 2016

Wrapping up Random Acts of Kindness week

I'll take a deep sigh every time someone asks me why I speak loudly about kind acts.  

Volunteering is something someone may do to lose themselves.  (deep sigh)

Something one does to get accolades. (deep sigh)

Then someone asked, "why do something for a someone when they can do it themselves?" (deep sigh)

I'll tell you why to share the moments you live, why you do what you do. 

It's to help and to learn.

To show others that can, how easy it is to give and how it makes changes.  

Sitting here, alone with my computer listening to the soft tempo of a song that inspires me.  Words pouring out onto this electronic paper wanting to .. needing to make a difference.

Listen, life won't change with just prayer.  With a thought.  With you hiding behind a false pretence that tomorrow everything will be okay if you hide under the blankets, pillows above your head.  That darling, is hiding.  That darling isn't making a change.   

I can't expect everyone to understand my actions and I am truly okay with that.  What I'm more okay with is, the fact that every single day, I make the choice to do something.  

Perhaps your actions will make a difference.  Perhaps it won't, but don't give up.  

I started on this amazing journey to change myself, make change outside of myself and I'm going to run with it.  Join me on it or sit back and watch something amazing happen. 

Never discount the act of kindness, no matter how small each one is worth more than anything you will every see, experience or be given. 

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