Thursday 14 June 2018


Growing up in a diverse family where I have 5 brothers, 1 sister and a constant flow of foster kids in and out for over 10 years, I learnt the definition of altruism, empathy and inclusion, only by living.  

Moving forward..

During the past weekend, I volunteered in our City's Pride Parade walking beside a float.  It was my first opportunity to be exposed to this amazing event.  

I had to giggle internally as I discovered that at the best of times, I am truly an introvert, only exposing my quirks to those I feel most comfortable with.  Which seemed to come out quite comfortably.  

As I was walking along the float, I became present.  Paying attention, outwardly to those who were cheering us on.  Getting into a groove of being surrounded by so many variables, possibilities of exposure to my fears, I cheered on those who where there to celebrate freedom, love and inclusion.  

One of the girls in the crowd that I "high-fived" caught my attention.  I took notice to marks on her arms.  I can only assume (which I dislike doing) was due to her cutting herself or being cut.  I can't say this for sure but it struck a chord in me.  I wanted so desperately to run back, give her a hug and tell her how beautiful she was and how perfect she is at that very moment.  That no human could possibly put value on her other than herself, that she was exactly where she should be at this very moment.  

Returning to the beginning, I learnt at an early age through life experience that, we must accept another for who they are, give them, what we can of ourselves.

Learning about altruism, empathy and inclusion, is only done when you experience life, being present in the moment.  

I wondered why I was placed here, what my purpose is.  I may not know 100% sure but what I do know is that I'll keep on learning to become a better person.  I challenge you to do the same.  

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