Thursday 17 November 2016

Time passes and does heal wounds

A year ago today, I made a life changing decision.  It took all of me to step into the unknown, with the unconditional support and love from family and friends.  

Perhaps, a journey that I metaphorically saw as monumental, as my personal belief was diminished to something smaller than I had ever imagined in the last 20 years.  This was my mountain to conquer.  

6 months after, I took the journey to do another.  I traveled on nothing but faith and determination to learn that my internal strength was solid.  

I took a path up a mountain and I saw things I had never dreamed of.  I did things I lost faith in, all while doing this alone.  Finding that, no matter the voices that use to be inside my thoughts, creating doubt now screamed louder telling me; you can do this!  
I got to the top of my hike, sat in solitude and cried while I took the deepest breath I've had in my entire life. 
Last weekend, almost 1 year from my life changing decision, 6 months from my journey to prove my personal worth, I choose to share it with someone who values me for who I am.   

Today, it's been 3 months of rediscovery of faith, love and trust in another.  Sure I wear rose coloured glasses, I will always have faith in human kind, to do better, become wiser and love deeper.  I won't live with regrets.  We should not accept anything less than to be treated like a person, no matter our gender, colour race.  I see beauty in flaws, I see strength in the meek, I see love in the lost.  
This man has volunteered has with me, sang with me, laughed with me, cried with me and shared life with me.  More than I ever expected, more than I anticipated.  I've learnt to give without expectations, live life without wants and to see value in the smallest of things.  Today, is the first day of the rest of my life.  

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