Monday 17 September 2018

Simple facts on living with less

To start off with, I want to be as truthful as possible as to why I live the way I do now.

On November 17, 2015 I left what I knew as my home.  A place where I lived.  At times, it kept me dry and sheltered from the exterior storms.  I was provided with food & clothing.  Along with many other things that filled that place, I was given many opportunities to experience life.  What I did not do, was live life.  

I was surrounded by SO many things.  None of which, fulfilled my soul or healed my heart.

I discovered after returning to work full time years before, that I had lost touch with who I was and had become someone I didn't recognize.  Not knowing who my friends were, other than the select few I confided in while I started the journey to change.  

Firstly, I no longer wanted to beholden to another for a gift.  I had to question the purpose to the gifts, and to question the reason I would also accept them.  Every time I returned to these, I shuttered as they were not who I wanted to resolve this world in.  I knew that every moment that I was living, I was suffocating.  

Returning to the beginning, when I left in November of 2015 I did not take much.  I laugh at myself now with what I took.  Some kitchen knives, bowls, photo's, clothing.  Nothing of consequence.  Not the $500.00 bottle of wine, or the wine fridge that housed the wines.  I left the plates that seemed to hold more value than the guests they were intended to serve.  I did not take items of financial value, as they did not ever belong to me.  They were owned by the purchaser, which I was never.  

So now, my life does not hold many items.  Everything that I have purchased to this date, holds a purpose.  I've stopped spending money on things as they are just that, things.  When my body decides to leave and my soul goes onto the next chapter, all that I own will become nothing more than a purpose for another.  To make someone feel safe, to show them they were loved and to do the job they were intended for.  Nothing more.  

I've discovered, the emptiest place can hold a thousand items.  I'll never return to this and promise to myself to live life.  Open to each opportunity that is presented to me, with the best of intentions.  I'll never expect anything in return for a gift, nor will I make anyone feel smaller than me.  I am, after all, human.  

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