Thursday 4 February 2016

Finding peace

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Picture a white sheet in front of you.

Shutting out the world is as important as welcoming diversity in life.  You need to find peace inside at times.

Take a moment to just close everything out and focus on simply nothing.  Bring yourself back to a place where there was less energy, less chaos and more peace.  

I took my son away for just under 24 hours to my cousins farm last weekend.  While things were going on around us, faster than I could do much about, I felt the need to find some peace.  Just being with a few that loved us for who we were, without question gave me the start to a clean, white sheet.  Where my focus became clear and my thoughts less scattered. 

I just let go.  

I know we all can't get away to a place that we think will bring us peace but perhaps we need to start learning to bring it to us.  

Close your eyes.  Start with a white blank sheet.  Picture it.  Then, take a moment to reflect on times in your life where you've had good thoughts.  Listen to your heart beat & your breath.  Make a choice to breathe slower.  Shut out the noise around you and focus on nothing other than how you are feeling.  

This is what I do sometimes when I can't get away.  It is a way of reflecting on what's going on and where I'm going.  It might actually help you too.  Just a thought.. 

I'm sitting here in front of my computer screen, with a slight grin and my head tilted to the side.  At this moment, I found a little peace.  Why?  As I typed that entire process, I lived it too.   

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