Monday 28 July 2014

The answer

My last 7 blog entries have been a type of puzzle.  Each titled differently but all ending the same.  Always brought to you by a letter.  Each to tie together to spell out a word we all have but doubt that it exists within.

Let me help you out on it.

C - Change.  Own it.  Own your actions & choices.  Life is short. 

O - Opportunity.  Do it.  Be the person you want a child to be like.  Look at yourself and accept who you are, be a leader by making a change with your permission.  

U - Unconditional.  Understanding how different we all are, and accepting them.

R - Respect.  Success follows respect.  Before you can do anything you must respect who you are, your own choices and to dust yourself off after each fall, each failure and know each time you get up it brings you a step closer to success.

A - Allow.  Life it with passion, laughter & no regrets.  Allow yourself to be you.  Give yourself time to accept what you have, let go of what you cannot change and become who you are meant to be.  

G - Gratitude.  Speak it.  Say how you feel to those who give you passion.  If it’s love or frustration, the key is communication.  Be grateful for those who surround you with the same passion as yours. 

E - Empathy.  Remember who you are.  You too, were once a small child who depended on others to ensure your safety, well being and happiness.  Although you can make that choice now, don’t give it up.  You are fighting a battle, as is everyone else.  Regardless of the size you are fighting, you and I are the same.    

Each morning you are going to wake with the preconceived idea that you can or cannot.  Choose the action that you can.  

Take a deep breath, run to the edge of the pool and without arms to catch you, without knowing how cold the water is, JUMP!  You’ll only get wet but you’ll know how it feels.  Before you know it, you’ll do it again and again until you get it as close to your perfect as possible.  

noun: courage
  1. the ability to do something that frightens one.
    "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"

Sunday 27 July 2014

Remember who you are

Life's experiences are amazing. They bring us to new places emotionally and physically. Some are beautiful, kind and loving that turn into memories, some difficult where we wish we could turn back time and change them.  

Regardless, in an instant life changes.  

It is up to you and only you to make those changes positive. I remember being 5 years old, sharing clothing, only owning one pair of shoes. It didn't phase me that we didn't own much as I was happy with what I had. 

I was approached by a stranger, a woman who asked me one warm and sunny day where my shoes were. I had gone bare foot, outside to play. Without question, she took me to the mall and purchased 3 pairs of shoes. I never questioned her and upon returning and thanking her I ran into the house to show my mum. Of course I was scolded for going with that stranger but when we went back outside she was gone. 

I'll never forget what she did. Although the years following were tough at times, I held on to the knowledge that there is hope for kindness. I can say I witnessed it thru out my life, I learnt to keep paying it forward. To this day, when time permits I will get out and help. If not for an origination just for a single soul. If I pay it forward by setting an example for my children or friends. 

I've learnt that everyone has a story and to not be the one to judge but the one to listen and to empathise. Kindness is the key to forgiveness and the key to happiness. I hope you find time in your day to tell someone how amazing they are. 

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter "E". 


Monday 21 July 2014

Speak it

Often I find myself going through changes with emotions. It can be hard as I love deeply. With that my fear of losing is greater than I ever let on. This is a hard challenge for me as I say to others that change happens, good or bad, it usually turned out for the way it was to be. 

A friend once told me to open yourself up to emotion is great, although the pain can be greater it is with letting others know you love them, this is when you discover something truly unconditional.

Starting with yourself, your parents, your children and others outside. It is okay to say “I love you”.  

As if you’ve got your eyes closed, as you have been asked to step over that threshold and out into the unknown.  Breath escaping your lips, that cold feeling in the bottom of your belly.  The best part... your feet finding the ground, hands holding onto something.

You did it and you will do it again.  The beautiful thing is, you learn from it.  You’ll grow from it, you’ll love deeper because of it.  

Be grateful for the feeling you get from putting yourself out there, showing how you love, how deeply you feel, how you are capable of giving without expecting anything in return.  This is an amazing gift to be given.  

I want to thank you for being such an inspiration to me, to complete life and throw caution to the wind.  Without you, I would never know how to love.  

“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility”.  Paulo Coelho - 11 Minutes

today’s entry is brought to you by the letter “G” 


Wednesday 16 July 2014

Live it with passion, laughter and no regrets

In a time where your life may be of disarray, you need to keep a clear head.  What I mean by that is this;

1. Trust your instinct, that gut feeling.  If, for a split second, you doubt what is happening take a step back and review in your mind the events. Don't speak, don't react.  Most importantly, think of yourself and if what just happened is right. 

2.  At any time your emotions will play a role in the outcome of any situation you are in.  Remember when someone commented on that outfit you wore the other day?  How did it make you feel and how did it effect the remainder of your day?  This being said, if you are in a situation where all you want to do is lash back, stop yourself.  Give it 24 hours and breathe.  It's okay not to respond now, only when you know it's going to be right.

3. Eat and drink.  Properly if you can.  Like a car, your body will start to shut down if not fed the right things.  Like emotions, you need to respond to signals when they start to show. 

4. Get that rest!  Give your brain and body some down time.  As you know, when you work out, you need to give your body time to recover.  Apply this to your mind.  Shut it down every day.  Close off everything around you, let it all go.  Take some deep breaths.  Inhale the good, blow out the bad.  It may sound a bit like nonsense but mentally you'll notice a change. 

Remember, life is one moment at a time.  Live it with passion, laughter and no regrets. 

Today's blog has been brought to you by...

the letter "A"

Allow yourself to be you.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Success follows respect

At times, you are going to feel deflated, beaten and emotional.  Don't let that control who you are which is;

Amazing, kind, giving, understanding, compassionate, loving, driven, smart, beautiful and with all those, don't let a single hard moment tear you down. 

Life happens. get back up, dust yourself off and do it again.  You can.  If you don't believe me think of this for a moment.

As a child, you learnt to crawl, walk then run.  Life is exactly that.  In steps, you will learn to overcome challenges.  When you believe in yourself start to respect yourself.

If you think you're beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't.

If you'd like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost;
for out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will'
it's all in the state of mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are;
you've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself
before you can ever win the prize.

Life's battles don't always go
to the strong or faster man;
but sooner or later, the one who wins
is the man who thinks they can.

Today is brought to you by the letter "R"

respect who you are.

Monday 14 July 2014


Being a parent presents challenges and learning curves.  How to adjust a parenting style suited best for your child is a hard one to recognize and adapt to.

We are all different. 

We learn differently, respond in our individual ways and see through one set of eyes. 

My two boys were completely different from each other.  Size doesn't even start how different they are.  My older boy who grew up as thin as they come no matter what he ate.  He was quiet and reserved as a young child.  He preferred to do things on his own and didn't seek much for feed back.  My younger?  Oh, he is as solid as they come.  Standing taller than his dad now and would not be afraid to introduce himself.  He loves to hear feedback on everyday life. 

Now I have discovered that although both boys are completely different so are their learning styles.  Both have also taught me many lessons and for that I am grateful.  I see what I've done as a parent has effected them, both good and bad.  I have developed this understanding of their personal beings, who they are, who they will become and where they might take themselves. 

It was never my job to tell them their destiny, it's only been my job to show them how to find out.  I will love them both without strings, as they choose to be.

Today's blog has been brought to you by the letter...



Friday 11 July 2014

Do it

When given the opportunity to be part of a child’s life it can be easy to put our thoughts and ideas into their minds.  

To create an opinion they base on only what they know.  

You can tell them how amazing the movie Star Wars is, how beautiful Charlize Theron is or what direction the wind is blowing based on the direction of the tree sway.  

Anyhow you look at it, they will believe you, they will trust your word as the truth.  

So choose your words wisely.  Be the truth you want to see in the future.  Start with these.

1). Stop calling yourself fat in front of any child.  They base their standards on yours.
2). Stop judging everyone, we all have a story.  You may create a kind and compassionate person with little words.
3). Start telling yourself (in front of them) you are smart, you are kind and you are important.  They will believe the same.
4). Don’t gossip.  You will create a judger, instead help create an open minded individual.
5). Don’t be negative.  
6). Don’t give excuses when you make mistakes, fix it and move on.  Own it.

This all brought to you by the letter "O" 


Thursday 10 July 2014

Own it

In a day where all I hear are complaints about the weather, how the food is cooked, how the kids these days are different, cars aren't made the same...yadda, yadda.. even words

 *it makes me roll my eyes.

Not the complaints, the complainers!

Hello!  Life is a constant change. Yes, it's hard to "roll with the punches" but didn't your mother tell you to accept what you can't change and change what you can't accept?


Yes, I'm telling you to get off your duff and do something about it.   I don't like anger, disrespect or negative feelings.  Here I am trying to change it. Perhaps on my blog, perhaps with my children, perhaps with a friend, even with strangers.

Take each moment as it is. If you are unhappy with it, change it or let it go.  At this moment, I may be in a loud coffee shop with people around me, I choose not to hear them until I look up. It didn't make my writing experience worse, it actually gave it body oddly enough. I accepted it. I may have had a stressful day, I choose to change it. I walked out of the office letting it all go. The minute I left the building I no longer owned how I felt and started to look forward to a drive with my younger son. The best part?  I handed him my phone and asked him to select a few songs to listen to. His choice. He picked a song that I use to sing along with my mum and siblings. We then sang it together. Another great moment brought to you by the letter "C".


Giving yourself permission

Wednesday 9 July 2014


As time permits and life happens I digress from writing.  Although it helps with insight and some mental relaxation, gardening outside and family matters arise that come first.

It's been an interesting few weeks.  I've seen much happen around and enjoyed time spent trying to place my thoughts and learn more about choices. 

Noticing things around with forcing myself to watch others opens my mind to what creates reaction and who we are.

Have you ever thought that when a situation is presented to you, how you would handle it?   

Dog's left in cars on hot days, children crying, arguments between 2 adults and miscommunication between friends. 

I would guess we all initially want to assume something and most of us may never find out the truth.   I feel though, it's best to do the latter.  Find out the truth.  Ask questions. 

They say not to assume, I would advise you to take that and use it.  Once we assume, we automatically judge.  Would it be fair for others to do the same to us?