Wednesday 9 July 2014


As time permits and life happens I digress from writing.  Although it helps with insight and some mental relaxation, gardening outside and family matters arise that come first.

It's been an interesting few weeks.  I've seen much happen around and enjoyed time spent trying to place my thoughts and learn more about choices. 

Noticing things around with forcing myself to watch others opens my mind to what creates reaction and who we are.

Have you ever thought that when a situation is presented to you, how you would handle it?   

Dog's left in cars on hot days, children crying, arguments between 2 adults and miscommunication between friends. 

I would guess we all initially want to assume something and most of us may never find out the truth.   I feel though, it's best to do the latter.  Find out the truth.  Ask questions. 

They say not to assume, I would advise you to take that and use it.  Once we assume, we automatically judge.  Would it be fair for others to do the same to us?

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