Monday 14 July 2014


Being a parent presents challenges and learning curves.  How to adjust a parenting style suited best for your child is a hard one to recognize and adapt to.

We are all different. 

We learn differently, respond in our individual ways and see through one set of eyes. 

My two boys were completely different from each other.  Size doesn't even start how different they are.  My older boy who grew up as thin as they come no matter what he ate.  He was quiet and reserved as a young child.  He preferred to do things on his own and didn't seek much for feed back.  My younger?  Oh, he is as solid as they come.  Standing taller than his dad now and would not be afraid to introduce himself.  He loves to hear feedback on everyday life. 

Now I have discovered that although both boys are completely different so are their learning styles.  Both have also taught me many lessons and for that I am grateful.  I see what I've done as a parent has effected them, both good and bad.  I have developed this understanding of their personal beings, who they are, who they will become and where they might take themselves. 

It was never my job to tell them their destiny, it's only been my job to show them how to find out.  I will love them both without strings, as they choose to be.

Today's blog has been brought to you by the letter...



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