Wednesday 16 July 2014

Live it with passion, laughter and no regrets

In a time where your life may be of disarray, you need to keep a clear head.  What I mean by that is this;

1. Trust your instinct, that gut feeling.  If, for a split second, you doubt what is happening take a step back and review in your mind the events. Don't speak, don't react.  Most importantly, think of yourself and if what just happened is right. 

2.  At any time your emotions will play a role in the outcome of any situation you are in.  Remember when someone commented on that outfit you wore the other day?  How did it make you feel and how did it effect the remainder of your day?  This being said, if you are in a situation where all you want to do is lash back, stop yourself.  Give it 24 hours and breathe.  It's okay not to respond now, only when you know it's going to be right.

3. Eat and drink.  Properly if you can.  Like a car, your body will start to shut down if not fed the right things.  Like emotions, you need to respond to signals when they start to show. 

4. Get that rest!  Give your brain and body some down time.  As you know, when you work out, you need to give your body time to recover.  Apply this to your mind.  Shut it down every day.  Close off everything around you, let it all go.  Take some deep breaths.  Inhale the good, blow out the bad.  It may sound a bit like nonsense but mentally you'll notice a change. 

Remember, life is one moment at a time.  Live it with passion, laughter and no regrets. 

Today's blog has been brought to you by...

the letter "A"

Allow yourself to be you.

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