Monday 28 July 2014

The answer

My last 7 blog entries have been a type of puzzle.  Each titled differently but all ending the same.  Always brought to you by a letter.  Each to tie together to spell out a word we all have but doubt that it exists within.

Let me help you out on it.

C - Change.  Own it.  Own your actions & choices.  Life is short. 

O - Opportunity.  Do it.  Be the person you want a child to be like.  Look at yourself and accept who you are, be a leader by making a change with your permission.  

U - Unconditional.  Understanding how different we all are, and accepting them.

R - Respect.  Success follows respect.  Before you can do anything you must respect who you are, your own choices and to dust yourself off after each fall, each failure and know each time you get up it brings you a step closer to success.

A - Allow.  Life it with passion, laughter & no regrets.  Allow yourself to be you.  Give yourself time to accept what you have, let go of what you cannot change and become who you are meant to be.  

G - Gratitude.  Speak it.  Say how you feel to those who give you passion.  If it’s love or frustration, the key is communication.  Be grateful for those who surround you with the same passion as yours. 

E - Empathy.  Remember who you are.  You too, were once a small child who depended on others to ensure your safety, well being and happiness.  Although you can make that choice now, don’t give it up.  You are fighting a battle, as is everyone else.  Regardless of the size you are fighting, you and I are the same.    

Each morning you are going to wake with the preconceived idea that you can or cannot.  Choose the action that you can.  

Take a deep breath, run to the edge of the pool and without arms to catch you, without knowing how cold the water is, JUMP!  You’ll only get wet but you’ll know how it feels.  Before you know it, you’ll do it again and again until you get it as close to your perfect as possible.  

noun: courage
  1. the ability to do something that frightens one.
    "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"

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