Sunday 27 July 2014

Remember who you are

Life's experiences are amazing. They bring us to new places emotionally and physically. Some are beautiful, kind and loving that turn into memories, some difficult where we wish we could turn back time and change them.  

Regardless, in an instant life changes.  

It is up to you and only you to make those changes positive. I remember being 5 years old, sharing clothing, only owning one pair of shoes. It didn't phase me that we didn't own much as I was happy with what I had. 

I was approached by a stranger, a woman who asked me one warm and sunny day where my shoes were. I had gone bare foot, outside to play. Without question, she took me to the mall and purchased 3 pairs of shoes. I never questioned her and upon returning and thanking her I ran into the house to show my mum. Of course I was scolded for going with that stranger but when we went back outside she was gone. 

I'll never forget what she did. Although the years following were tough at times, I held on to the knowledge that there is hope for kindness. I can say I witnessed it thru out my life, I learnt to keep paying it forward. To this day, when time permits I will get out and help. If not for an origination just for a single soul. If I pay it forward by setting an example for my children or friends. 

I've learnt that everyone has a story and to not be the one to judge but the one to listen and to empathise. Kindness is the key to forgiveness and the key to happiness. I hope you find time in your day to tell someone how amazing they are. 

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter "E". 


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