Friday 11 July 2014

Do it

When given the opportunity to be part of a child’s life it can be easy to put our thoughts and ideas into their minds.  

To create an opinion they base on only what they know.  

You can tell them how amazing the movie Star Wars is, how beautiful Charlize Theron is or what direction the wind is blowing based on the direction of the tree sway.  

Anyhow you look at it, they will believe you, they will trust your word as the truth.  

So choose your words wisely.  Be the truth you want to see in the future.  Start with these.

1). Stop calling yourself fat in front of any child.  They base their standards on yours.
2). Stop judging everyone, we all have a story.  You may create a kind and compassionate person with little words.
3). Start telling yourself (in front of them) you are smart, you are kind and you are important.  They will believe the same.
4). Don’t gossip.  You will create a judger, instead help create an open minded individual.
5). Don’t be negative.  
6). Don’t give excuses when you make mistakes, fix it and move on.  Own it.

This all brought to you by the letter "O" 


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