Thursday 31 October 2013

Time to stand

As a young person you will discover what you believe in and why.  In time, you develop tolerance and before you know it, your tolerance grows and you forget your values and who you are. 

The key to living a happy, successful life is to hold your values and beliefs close.  It is okay to make concessions and compromises but it is not okay to forget about you.  If you let it go, if you forgot who you are it's time to take a stand and head back there.  Don't let those in your life (old or new) fool you.  

Believe in yourself, believe in what you are doing and trust that little person that tells you ... you are right, you are okay and you will be fine. 

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Biggest gifts for free

When I was younger, my grandmother would tell me that no matter what I did to always be proud.  She always believed in keeping the job you had until you found something to replace it.  Never go without as it's a responsibility you have not just to yourself but to others.  She held her head high even though she worked in a job some of us would consider to be something of a transition job but not a carrier.  Her carrier was her family, her church and her friends.  Those she held closest she would invest herself mostly and her job simply paid the bills.  She did what she had to do. 

We lose focus on what we have to do and what we want to do.  I tell my children whenever I get the chance that your 'have-to's' are more important that your 'want-to's'  She gave me many gifts that I hope to pass on to my children.  So many opportunities shared, there is simply no way I can put a price on that education.  This wasn't taught in a classroom, there are no other teachers around that can pass this on nor is there a substitute for her.  I miss her daily as do I miss so many I've said good bye to but she was the biggest influence on my life. 

Hold those around you a bit tighter, not just physically but emotionally.  Learn what you can from them while they are still here and try to smile.  You never know who's watching.

Monday 28 October 2013

Swing away

When life throws us curves we face them or turn to run and avoid being hurt.

We all need to stop and face these issues, close the doors.  As we have been told many times, another one opens.  More so when we are not expecting them.  

Fear controls us, determines how far we go and stops us from discovering.  

Swing away and turn that curve ball into a home run.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Amazing feels good.

I had to put another entry today... 

Yesterday, I went and did some shopping for a get together.  Just some light snacks and a gift.  On the way out the door at Costco as most of you know there are staff that check your packages and the receipts.  I got to the lovely lady and before she could do anything I gave her a hug.  She took it in with everything she had and I left her with a smile on her face.  

Today I had to return to the same Costco for a few items.  Sleep lacked and my heart was heavy.  On the way out I saw her again.  She recognized me from yesterday and had to tell me how her supervisor witnessed the entire thing and had to ask her all about it.  She said it made her day.  Of course, I had to hug her again.  

That is how amazing feels... 


Today, like many others I did things to make everyone happy.  Work, home, family and friends.  Although I enjoy doing it all, I put myself aside.  Like most of us, regardless of where my heart is, I put up with whatever is weighing me down and muddle though it all.  

I figure, it's time to stop the compromise and put myself in the drivers seat.  

You can't say it's wrong if it puts a smile on your face.  As long as you aren't hurting anyone, why would it be?  Keep that in mind for yourself.  We are mostly told when we are younger to put yourself first, everything else will fall into place but somewhere along the line we forget to do this.  We compromise our values and beliefs for what we think is the greater good and in the long run, forget about ourselves. 

I hope for today you take a step for yourself. 

Thursday 24 October 2013


In today's society we make judgment calls based mostly on what we hear and not what we know.  Facts are dismissed easier than fiction. 

Before you head off into your day try your best to discover the facts and have some compassion about the situation you look at. 

Remember, you need to treat outside situations the way you would perfer others to treat yours. 
When you mistreat others they may not want to contiue to be part of your life.  There is always a reason why someone has entered your life, a reason why a situation has happened and your goal should always remain the same.  Learn the lesson. 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Using your mirror correctly

At a young age most of us start to dream or plan our lives.  Family and friends shape our opinions and thoughts but we make the choices. As young adults not only do we work on our life plan but we look for acceptance in others at times dropping who we are to make our fit.  

It appears we live our lives for others from day one but the choice is clearly ours. 

The key is not to lose yourself in the simple decisions.   Stop trying to please others while putting yourself aside.  Don't let your fear of judgement by others persuade how you feel, think or do things.  Mostly, trust your gut and do what you believe in. 

If you forgot how to use your mirror, take a moment right now.  Accept who you are and start back on that road. 

Sunday 20 October 2013

To wave the white flag or to start living

Is death closure or another door in our lives?  

How you see it is up to you.  It can be no different than life.  

Some of us keep our head down, work day in and day out.  Come home and go through our daily routine without thinking of anything different.  Go to bed, get up.  Brush your teeth, your hair, dress and head back into the world the same as yesterday.  

We will all have an ending to our story.  We all have closure to our lives.

It's those who find out sooner than others when it's coming.  At that moment when we've been handed our papers telling us that it's coming to an end, that moment when we actually know it's closer.  Our heads come out of the sand and we wake up.  

When we are handed our papers, do you start living your life, fight for those extra moments not promised or do you just wave the white flag? 

Perhaps finding out when your time is due isn't something we should look as at the end but time to wake.  

It gives us the moment to discover those things we've put on the back burner, as some would say doing the bucket list.  Do you, right now in this moment do something out of your comfort zone?  If not, get out there and do it!  

You hear over and over again to live your life for today.  If you don't know when you are going to be given your papers then why are you living in a fog and letting this gift called life pass you by?

I challenge you today to try something you've never done.  

Hug, smile or wave at a stranger.  

Buy the person behind you a tea or coffee.  

Treat someone to dinner.

Give a kind word to someone who needs it.  

Bungee jump.

Let someone know you love them.

Take a walk alone.

Take time for yourself.

Now that you've figured out what you are going to do today, slow down and enjoy each and every moment.  We can't expect to know when our last moment is but we can live our life for this one.  

Friday 18 October 2013

Only live up to your own expectations

When we are children, we look up to our parents and those closest as the ones who know what is right or wrong.  We trust them completely.  

As an adult, I question this.  Yes, my mum felt that what she was going was the best.  When I look back, she only did what she knew was right.  

I wasn't perfect as a parent but I hope I was better.  We need to have more faith in ourselves, our choices and who we are.  The biggest challenge in our upbringing is that our parents didn't see fault in what they did or how they did it.  They just saw it as right.  

I challenge you to see how you can make a difference in a child's life.  Not for you, for them.  Be the right example, show how you can make a step forward without regrets.  Mostly, don't be afraid of your choices.  

Thursday 17 October 2013

How to change perspective

When I was a wee girl, I experienced some life changing acts of kindness.  With my family, my mother, friends and complete strangers.  It changed my life and how I see things.  

Don't get me wrong.  I have that little person on my shoulder at times that put's me somewhere else I'd rather not be.  

Today, I was feeling a bit low.  Wanting to let that little person out, wanting to be throwing my self pity at others in an ungrateful way.  I am after all, human.  

Then I went out for a bit by myself.  I just walked around a local shopping centre and watched people.  I saw some young ladies busy at work.  Not enough staff for the business and I guessed they didn't get a break to eat or sip tea.  

So, I walked over to a local grocery store and bought them dinner.  I walked in, dropped it off and gently put my index finger to my lips when a customer saw what I did.  Gave her a wink and walked away.  Not soon enough to hear one of the girls yell "thank you"!  

My heart skipped a beat and a smile spread across my face.  That's how I changed my perspective today.  

Tuesday 15 October 2013

It is okay to feel that way

Alright, you've had enough.  You are upset but don't like to show it.  You hide your feelings as if it were a bad thing.  

Why is it not okay to feel?  To show how you feel or to be okay with what's in your heart?  

Let me tell you, it is okay.  It's okay to be upset, angry, hurt, frustrated, sad or happy.  

No one has the right to tell you to 'suck it up' or 'be a man' you are NOT them, you will not become them nor will you be anything other than yourself.  

Don't let their lives control yours.  

You can choose to let your feelings control your day.  You will make it easier if you choose the ones that make you productive and feel better rather than the ones that make you want to lay back down and hide away.  Remember, no one can put you where you are other than yourself.  

Don't forget it is okay to feel any emotion, own them as they are your own.

Friday 11 October 2013

Take a moment

Breathe.  Today could be your last day, this could be your last moment.  Don't use it on anger, don't point that finger any longer.  Own your moment and make it your best. 

Turn your situation to a place where others want to be with you.  Just that moment you took to read this, you cannot get it back nor can you change it. 

You woke this morning with the ability to breathe, you stepped out onto this world with the ability to walk, you saw a glimps of sun through the clouds and felt the warmth upon your face with the ability to see.  You are unique and know that there isn't anyone in this world like you.  Make those changes you've been wanting to make ... because you can.  Just believe it. 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Greatest gifts

In the past 2 years, I've lost a few friends and a few family members to one thing or another.  Tragedy some would say, to lose someone so close however I see it differently.

Some family members who were later in their life, they've taught me how to love, give and to laugh.  Some of my dear friends close to my age, left life with a void.  They've taught me to live it for this moment.  Take in what you see and have.  Some friends, much too young.  They've taught not to take anything for granted.

I live my life for today and this moment.  Give me laughter and I will smile, give me love and I will live.  Take your moments, your family and your friends.  See the joy and beauty in the small things, those are the greatest gifts.  

Friday 4 October 2013

Living without regret

Like most of us, we live our lives protecting our hearts.  We don't want to put our words fearing they will use them to hurt us.  The simple fact is that if you open up your heart to someone you care about, no matter how far away they are they can still hurt it. 

If you choose to live your life in fear of the possible pain you won't alow yourself to grow.  Try to lep into faith and know you will learn from the experience regardless of the outcome.  Just remember, there is a heart out there for you that will accept you for the person you are.  Don't change or become something you are not. 

Thursday 3 October 2013

Life's lessons

In life, our families and friends give us inspiration. When we see our parents learn or our children, friends or neighbours we then discover.  The key is to grow, change and become a better person.

As hard as it may be to say good bye to a soul that leaves too early, we need to keep the good in our hearts. Keep what light they brought to yours so they contiue to live within all of us. 

The fire starts with birth but it doesn't mean it's out when they leave, they simply pass the torch to us to contiue their journey. 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

What speaks volumes

I've come to learn that most people I've met throughout my life, the ones that speak highly of themselves, go on and hardly ask questions are the ones I have less interest in.  

Some believe that education or status define us.  

Be wise - Live your life for yourself.  Live it as if you can look back and know you've done the best for yourself and others.  If you are still wondering what life holds for you then you still need to get out there and discover it.  Let it happen before you run out of the worlds most precious thing.  Time.  

Give - Be compassionate.  Even when others are not around or looking.  Simple jestures can create great things.

Take time - Breathe.  Look around you.  Even if you have nothing, there will be something small that you can see beauty in.

Ask - When you ask questions you learn, when you learn you become a better person. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

The most valuable item we cannot hold

We are given something more valuable than anything in this world.  
No one, not a single person can buy this.  You can't change it, hold it or take it back.  

Something we take for granted until we find out we have no more.  
Some days we wish we could give ours away to others and some days it seems it leaves us without knowing.
