Wednesday 2 October 2013

What speaks volumes

I've come to learn that most people I've met throughout my life, the ones that speak highly of themselves, go on and hardly ask questions are the ones I have less interest in.  

Some believe that education or status define us.  

Be wise - Live your life for yourself.  Live it as if you can look back and know you've done the best for yourself and others.  If you are still wondering what life holds for you then you still need to get out there and discover it.  Let it happen before you run out of the worlds most precious thing.  Time.  

Give - Be compassionate.  Even when others are not around or looking.  Simple jestures can create great things.

Take time - Breathe.  Look around you.  Even if you have nothing, there will be something small that you can see beauty in.

Ask - When you ask questions you learn, when you learn you become a better person. 

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