Sunday 27 October 2013


Today, like many others I did things to make everyone happy.  Work, home, family and friends.  Although I enjoy doing it all, I put myself aside.  Like most of us, regardless of where my heart is, I put up with whatever is weighing me down and muddle though it all.  

I figure, it's time to stop the compromise and put myself in the drivers seat.  

You can't say it's wrong if it puts a smile on your face.  As long as you aren't hurting anyone, why would it be?  Keep that in mind for yourself.  We are mostly told when we are younger to put yourself first, everything else will fall into place but somewhere along the line we forget to do this.  We compromise our values and beliefs for what we think is the greater good and in the long run, forget about ourselves. 

I hope for today you take a step for yourself. 

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