Thursday 17 October 2013

How to change perspective

When I was a wee girl, I experienced some life changing acts of kindness.  With my family, my mother, friends and complete strangers.  It changed my life and how I see things.  

Don't get me wrong.  I have that little person on my shoulder at times that put's me somewhere else I'd rather not be.  

Today, I was feeling a bit low.  Wanting to let that little person out, wanting to be throwing my self pity at others in an ungrateful way.  I am after all, human.  

Then I went out for a bit by myself.  I just walked around a local shopping centre and watched people.  I saw some young ladies busy at work.  Not enough staff for the business and I guessed they didn't get a break to eat or sip tea.  

So, I walked over to a local grocery store and bought them dinner.  I walked in, dropped it off and gently put my index finger to my lips when a customer saw what I did.  Gave her a wink and walked away.  Not soon enough to hear one of the girls yell "thank you"!  

My heart skipped a beat and a smile spread across my face.  That's how I changed my perspective today.  

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