Sunday 27 October 2013

Amazing feels good.

I had to put another entry today... 

Yesterday, I went and did some shopping for a get together.  Just some light snacks and a gift.  On the way out the door at Costco as most of you know there are staff that check your packages and the receipts.  I got to the lovely lady and before she could do anything I gave her a hug.  She took it in with everything she had and I left her with a smile on her face.  

Today I had to return to the same Costco for a few items.  Sleep lacked and my heart was heavy.  On the way out I saw her again.  She recognized me from yesterday and had to tell me how her supervisor witnessed the entire thing and had to ask her all about it.  She said it made her day.  Of course, I had to hug her again.  

That is how amazing feels... 

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