Friday 18 October 2013

Only live up to your own expectations

When we are children, we look up to our parents and those closest as the ones who know what is right or wrong.  We trust them completely.  

As an adult, I question this.  Yes, my mum felt that what she was going was the best.  When I look back, she only did what she knew was right.  

I wasn't perfect as a parent but I hope I was better.  We need to have more faith in ourselves, our choices and who we are.  The biggest challenge in our upbringing is that our parents didn't see fault in what they did or how they did it.  They just saw it as right.  

I challenge you to see how you can make a difference in a child's life.  Not for you, for them.  Be the right example, show how you can make a step forward without regrets.  Mostly, don't be afraid of your choices.  

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