Sunday 20 October 2013

To wave the white flag or to start living

Is death closure or another door in our lives?  

How you see it is up to you.  It can be no different than life.  

Some of us keep our head down, work day in and day out.  Come home and go through our daily routine without thinking of anything different.  Go to bed, get up.  Brush your teeth, your hair, dress and head back into the world the same as yesterday.  

We will all have an ending to our story.  We all have closure to our lives.

It's those who find out sooner than others when it's coming.  At that moment when we've been handed our papers telling us that it's coming to an end, that moment when we actually know it's closer.  Our heads come out of the sand and we wake up.  

When we are handed our papers, do you start living your life, fight for those extra moments not promised or do you just wave the white flag? 

Perhaps finding out when your time is due isn't something we should look as at the end but time to wake.  

It gives us the moment to discover those things we've put on the back burner, as some would say doing the bucket list.  Do you, right now in this moment do something out of your comfort zone?  If not, get out there and do it!  

You hear over and over again to live your life for today.  If you don't know when you are going to be given your papers then why are you living in a fog and letting this gift called life pass you by?

I challenge you today to try something you've never done.  

Hug, smile or wave at a stranger.  

Buy the person behind you a tea or coffee.  

Treat someone to dinner.

Give a kind word to someone who needs it.  

Bungee jump.

Let someone know you love them.

Take a walk alone.

Take time for yourself.

Now that you've figured out what you are going to do today, slow down and enjoy each and every moment.  We can't expect to know when our last moment is but we can live our life for this one.  

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