Tuesday 29 October 2013

Biggest gifts for free

When I was younger, my grandmother would tell me that no matter what I did to always be proud.  She always believed in keeping the job you had until you found something to replace it.  Never go without as it's a responsibility you have not just to yourself but to others.  She held her head high even though she worked in a job some of us would consider to be something of a transition job but not a carrier.  Her carrier was her family, her church and her friends.  Those she held closest she would invest herself mostly and her job simply paid the bills.  She did what she had to do. 

We lose focus on what we have to do and what we want to do.  I tell my children whenever I get the chance that your 'have-to's' are more important that your 'want-to's'  She gave me many gifts that I hope to pass on to my children.  So many opportunities shared, there is simply no way I can put a price on that education.  This wasn't taught in a classroom, there are no other teachers around that can pass this on nor is there a substitute for her.  I miss her daily as do I miss so many I've said good bye to but she was the biggest influence on my life. 

Hold those around you a bit tighter, not just physically but emotionally.  Learn what you can from them while they are still here and try to smile.  You never know who's watching.

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