Tuesday 15 October 2013

It is okay to feel that way

Alright, you've had enough.  You are upset but don't like to show it.  You hide your feelings as if it were a bad thing.  

Why is it not okay to feel?  To show how you feel or to be okay with what's in your heart?  

Let me tell you, it is okay.  It's okay to be upset, angry, hurt, frustrated, sad or happy.  

No one has the right to tell you to 'suck it up' or 'be a man' you are NOT them, you will not become them nor will you be anything other than yourself.  

Don't let their lives control yours.  

You can choose to let your feelings control your day.  You will make it easier if you choose the ones that make you productive and feel better rather than the ones that make you want to lay back down and hide away.  Remember, no one can put you where you are other than yourself.  

Don't forget it is okay to feel any emotion, own them as they are your own.

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