Monday 30 December 2013

Simple belief's in life

I am not a 'tree hugger' nor someone who has to eat from the earth.  Although I enjoy fresh garden vegetables and spending time relaxing in a garden.  I take from each experience something that will either teach myself or my children.  

It doesn't matter what one thinks of who I am or what I do.  It matters that at the end of the day, I can reflect on my choices and know that they were right for the moment.  

I've had the privilege of experiencing life through some wonderful friends.  They've given me insight from their lives so that I can better mine.

Appreciate what you have when you have it.
Live in the moment for we are not promised the next.
Give back to others when you can.
Love openly.
Take the seconds and learn from them.  
Try your best not to let anger hold you back rather the joys in life to bring you forward.
Laugh at as many things as you can and don't take it to seriously.  Life is simply too short.  

Just my simple belief's in life.  

Others actions

When you feel upset or hurt from an action of others don't look within. 

These are their choices.  You cannot change them nor should you change yourself.  Stop beating yourself up with guilt that shouldn't be there.

You chose your actions, own those!  

Take this moment and let go of the things that hold you back. Step up and step out into a better day. 

Saturday 28 December 2013

Reasons why

I have to admit that when I started to write this blog, I was doing it for selfish reasons.  I wanted to leave behind something for my children to read that was about myself and who I am.  It eventually evolved into something a bit more powerful.  

Now, I want to leave behind a legacy of positive notes, reactions and thoughts.  I believe that life reflects like water.  What you put into it will ripple across and affect others.  

If you decide to start to write in a blog, go ahead and be selfish.  You'll find out who you are, as I did.  

Friday 27 December 2013

Taking the lead

If you have a child in your life, take another look at yourself.

We all want them to grow up and be responsible, contributing members of society.  Learn to respect, work hard and be honest.  Care enough for others while they don't forget about themselves.  Did I get that right?

Well, when I ask you to look at yourself do you see what you want your children to see?  Do you expect more from them than what you are willing to offer?  Do you get upset at them for throwing a tantrum when they wanted that ice cream?  How did you react?  Did you yell at them or did you explain why?  A simple NO isn't a good enough answer and if you don't know the answer yet, then tell them you'll think about what it is they are asking for.

Children learn what they live.

You cannot beat a child and expect them not to hurt someone later in life.  You cannot teach a child to fear for respect and then expect them to do the same.  

Teach your child compassion by leading your life with such.
Teach your child empathy by trying to understand them.  
Teach your child to respect themselves by respecting yourself.
Teach your child courage by showing them yours.
Teach your child patience by giving it to them.
Teach your child to be honest by being so with them.

This costs you nothing but the rewards are priceless.

Thursday 26 December 2013


There will be small opportunities that will cross your path. These will ignite your fire.   Use those moments to drive your soul. Live in the moment and capture each breath.  Life does not wait. 

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Take a fraction

At times in my life I've overheard how judgement is passed.  Trust me when I say, I am no exception to the rule.  Guilty as charged one could say.  

You'll be with a friend and over coffee say to them, "How could she do that"? or with your children and pull them closer when someone who's appearance isn't what you deem acceptable.  As I said, I was guilty of the same.

However, over the past several years my sight has changed my heart and mind.  I no longer question why someone would do that.  How can I when I have no idea what put them in a position to made that choice?  How can I even believe that when I look at someone, their appearance reflects what they've done or not done?

I'll be straight forward here and tell you that my insight is from life experiences.  I've taken a step back and looked at all the choices I've made.  Some I can hold my head high for and some, well not so much.  However, in the big picture I know I am human and so are you.  We all have to learn from experiences and grow.  

Remember before you judge, for a fraction of a moment wonder what put them there first off.  Imagine a day in their shoes and be thankful for yours.

Monday 23 December 2013

Reflection time

I've asked you to challenge yourself, figure out what's important in your life and who.  I do this daily and find myself answering the "why's" 

Why do things happen?
To become a better person.

What happens when the door closes?
To walk through another.

Anyone you meet.  It can be in a shopping mall, on a flight or at work.  They are around us to teach us without knowing.  

Somedays, things happen so we can walk through a door with the strength we've gained by meeting complete strangers.  

Be thankful for each opportunity of why, what and who.  You'll never know at the moment why but one day, you'll see.  

Saturday 21 December 2013

Make your own path

I often find myself wondering how life would have been if I chose a different path.  

 What my dreams were as a child are not much different than what they are today.  

I wanted to sing.  I do i the shower, to close people and in my car.
I wanted to help.  I do with my family and friends.  I do whenever I see a need.
I wanted to be a mum.  I am.
I wanted to dream.  I do every day.
I wanted to write.  Here I am.

Daily I choose my path.  I wake and plant my feet firmly on the ground, face forward I choose to live.

It's in your hands to make your own path.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Dear Grandma

Last year at this time, you were laying in bed much too weak to get up but strong enough to hold my face.  We held hands while I sang to you.  

Gram, all these years I told you how much I love you.  I came to your home and we shared tea, discussed the daily soap operas or who was in the news.  Your place was where I would go to silently be at peace with life.  I am sure all of your grandkids did at one time or another.  

We would never go hungry, lonely or bored.  All those little 'tables' you'd collect from pizza orders to use for our imagination with other toys.  The flowers to pick or plant, Potatoes or beets to pick, bunnies to chase, bottles of pop with our quarter to buy.  Riding on the home made 2 seater bike, laughing at the children's table.  Without knowing, you taught us the value of family, trust, faith and strength.  You were the first Philanthropists I met, giving to everyone around you.  From teaching Sunday school as a young woman to volunteering at a Seniors home in your late 70's.  You said you did it as it made you feel young.  Laughter is the best medicine.  I can still hear yours in my head.  You always said, "it doesn't matter what you do in life, just be happy and make sure you are brining a paycheque home.  If you aren't happy, don't quit before you have another job"!  "Everyone is important, it doesn't matter who cleans the toilet, someone has to and they still get paid".

On the 24th I will celebrate your birthday.  On the 24th, I will celebrate the greatest woman i've had the pleasure to meet.  I will not mourn you leaving but celebrate the life you lived.  I thank you every day for each gift you gave me.  These are things not one soul can take away, replace or put value on. 

Love always,


Wednesday 18 December 2013

Today is the day

Live your life with abandon.  Be courageous and wild at heart.
 Be your own hero.  Follow your dreams no matter how big they are.  Fall in love.  Take time to appreciate the moments, for they will soon be memories.  Be good to yourself.  Be generous and truthful.  Dance, sing and play no matter your age.  Believe in your own power, strength and fortitude.  Embrace new possibilities.  Make friends everywhere you go.  Inspire someone.  Be brave.  Take chances and be spontaneous.  Discover your gifts and use them wisely.  Surround yourself with love, laughter and truth.  Don't take it all too seriously.  Forgive quickly and don't hold grudges.  Seek peace and calm.  Learn something new every day.  Create happiness. Laugh often.  Enjoy the little things.  Be gracious and kind.  Smile at strangers, we're on this journey together.  This is your life, make it beautiful.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Give me a moment...

We are all fortunate to have people cross our lives, pass on experience that no school can match and teach us how we need to have more faith with how things will work out.

The holidays are quickly approaching and most are out trying to find that perfect gift to make those around us feel better.  What we forget is that all those 'things' we are trying to find are not found on a shelf, not in a store. 

Regardless of the issues going on, I do my best to find the good in everything.  If someone comes into my life, even for a split moment I know full well, the crossing was to be.  Perhaps to teach a lesson or more to open my eyes.  

When you are out shopping, make eye contact, say hello and spend a moment to ask that perfect stranger how their day is going.  Perhaps all they want for the holidays is to know someone out there cares enough to ask them how things are.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Saying goodbye

Letting someone else's emotions can have great influence on your choices.  What others say, how they react and feel.  Guilt has a strong hold on most of us.  Something we have all developed throughout the years, something that we all need to change.  

When you choose to make a stand for something you believe in when others disagree.  You shouldn't change your opinion, you should stand stronger for it.  This defines your charter and is something we put aside for others.  

Start saying goodbye to others emotions and move on with yours.  This isn't selfish, it's a healthy choice.  Be who you were meant to be.

Wednesday 4 December 2013


In the beginning it was all fun.  A joke here and there.  You snicker but inside YOU know it's not right.  Without knowing it you feed the behaviour and you teach that it's okay by your laughter.  

You see things happen and think that it's okay, it's only once and something that can be overlooked due to their history.  YOU can change them you think.  YOU can make it better.  

One day, you stop that argument due to the truth that it's easier to simply say nothing than to argue.  You silence YOU.  

Another day comes and they over look your value.  It happens in small whispers and ends up louder than a freight train.  It doesn't matter what your thoughts or feelings are, you let it happen and now it reflects on yourself and how you are at fault for letting it go.  

As each day passes you neglect your heart and your mind.  

Then one day, it hits you.  Being put away, being shelved and allowing this behaviour is not okay.  Stop waiting for someone to stand up for YOU and start doing it.  Needing to stop this becomes a priority, not something to be hidden away and neglected.  It's okay to want to fix others but it's more important to fix yourself.