Thursday 19 December 2013

Dear Grandma

Last year at this time, you were laying in bed much too weak to get up but strong enough to hold my face.  We held hands while I sang to you.  

Gram, all these years I told you how much I love you.  I came to your home and we shared tea, discussed the daily soap operas or who was in the news.  Your place was where I would go to silently be at peace with life.  I am sure all of your grandkids did at one time or another.  

We would never go hungry, lonely or bored.  All those little 'tables' you'd collect from pizza orders to use for our imagination with other toys.  The flowers to pick or plant, Potatoes or beets to pick, bunnies to chase, bottles of pop with our quarter to buy.  Riding on the home made 2 seater bike, laughing at the children's table.  Without knowing, you taught us the value of family, trust, faith and strength.  You were the first Philanthropists I met, giving to everyone around you.  From teaching Sunday school as a young woman to volunteering at a Seniors home in your late 70's.  You said you did it as it made you feel young.  Laughter is the best medicine.  I can still hear yours in my head.  You always said, "it doesn't matter what you do in life, just be happy and make sure you are brining a paycheque home.  If you aren't happy, don't quit before you have another job"!  "Everyone is important, it doesn't matter who cleans the toilet, someone has to and they still get paid".

On the 24th I will celebrate your birthday.  On the 24th, I will celebrate the greatest woman i've had the pleasure to meet.  I will not mourn you leaving but celebrate the life you lived.  I thank you every day for each gift you gave me.  These are things not one soul can take away, replace or put value on. 

Love always,


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