Wednesday 18 December 2013

Today is the day

Live your life with abandon.  Be courageous and wild at heart.
 Be your own hero.  Follow your dreams no matter how big they are.  Fall in love.  Take time to appreciate the moments, for they will soon be memories.  Be good to yourself.  Be generous and truthful.  Dance, sing and play no matter your age.  Believe in your own power, strength and fortitude.  Embrace new possibilities.  Make friends everywhere you go.  Inspire someone.  Be brave.  Take chances and be spontaneous.  Discover your gifts and use them wisely.  Surround yourself with love, laughter and truth.  Don't take it all too seriously.  Forgive quickly and don't hold grudges.  Seek peace and calm.  Learn something new every day.  Create happiness. Laugh often.  Enjoy the little things.  Be gracious and kind.  Smile at strangers, we're on this journey together.  This is your life, make it beautiful.

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