Monday 30 December 2013

Simple belief's in life

I am not a 'tree hugger' nor someone who has to eat from the earth.  Although I enjoy fresh garden vegetables and spending time relaxing in a garden.  I take from each experience something that will either teach myself or my children.  

It doesn't matter what one thinks of who I am or what I do.  It matters that at the end of the day, I can reflect on my choices and know that they were right for the moment.  

I've had the privilege of experiencing life through some wonderful friends.  They've given me insight from their lives so that I can better mine.

Appreciate what you have when you have it.
Live in the moment for we are not promised the next.
Give back to others when you can.
Love openly.
Take the seconds and learn from them.  
Try your best not to let anger hold you back rather the joys in life to bring you forward.
Laugh at as many things as you can and don't take it to seriously.  Life is simply too short.  

Just my simple belief's in life.  

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