Wednesday 25 December 2013

Take a fraction

At times in my life I've overheard how judgement is passed.  Trust me when I say, I am no exception to the rule.  Guilty as charged one could say.  

You'll be with a friend and over coffee say to them, "How could she do that"? or with your children and pull them closer when someone who's appearance isn't what you deem acceptable.  As I said, I was guilty of the same.

However, over the past several years my sight has changed my heart and mind.  I no longer question why someone would do that.  How can I when I have no idea what put them in a position to made that choice?  How can I even believe that when I look at someone, their appearance reflects what they've done or not done?

I'll be straight forward here and tell you that my insight is from life experiences.  I've taken a step back and looked at all the choices I've made.  Some I can hold my head high for and some, well not so much.  However, in the big picture I know I am human and so are you.  We all have to learn from experiences and grow.  

Remember before you judge, for a fraction of a moment wonder what put them there first off.  Imagine a day in their shoes and be thankful for yours.

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