Friday 27 December 2013

Taking the lead

If you have a child in your life, take another look at yourself.

We all want them to grow up and be responsible, contributing members of society.  Learn to respect, work hard and be honest.  Care enough for others while they don't forget about themselves.  Did I get that right?

Well, when I ask you to look at yourself do you see what you want your children to see?  Do you expect more from them than what you are willing to offer?  Do you get upset at them for throwing a tantrum when they wanted that ice cream?  How did you react?  Did you yell at them or did you explain why?  A simple NO isn't a good enough answer and if you don't know the answer yet, then tell them you'll think about what it is they are asking for.

Children learn what they live.

You cannot beat a child and expect them not to hurt someone later in life.  You cannot teach a child to fear for respect and then expect them to do the same.  

Teach your child compassion by leading your life with such.
Teach your child empathy by trying to understand them.  
Teach your child to respect themselves by respecting yourself.
Teach your child courage by showing them yours.
Teach your child patience by giving it to them.
Teach your child to be honest by being so with them.

This costs you nothing but the rewards are priceless.

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