Tuesday 29 March 2016

Life is, what you make it

Each day creates new discoveries, new challenges and new beginnings.  

Take every, single, split opportunity to make the most of what you have, what's near you and create something amazing.  Something beautiful.  Something you.

We only live once and I know it's hard not to worry about the moment, even the time that hasn't come to pass yet.  I suppose the key is to take a deep breath and be completely honest with ourselves.  We cannot change the past, the future is yet to happen so live in the present.  

Be happiest with what you have.  If, for one moment, you stop to worry, you will lose focus on how amazing life is.  

From the smallest pebble on the ground, to the clouds above.  This won't stress you out, in fact it will give you a moment of mental health.  A break from your worries.  You'll learn to appreciate the smallest of gestures, acts and your gratitude bucket will start filling up.  

The moment you leave behind the daily stresses and live in the moment, letting go of what you cannot control is the moment you start to smile, start to laugh and start to live.  

It will be okay.  You don't need much.  Just a bucket full of gratitude.  It's your life, make it amazing.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Take a moment

In just over 13 hours from now, I'll be walking into a new chapter of a life that is something that I didn't think was possible.  It's not been without a few struggles, doubts and many fears.  Along with those though, it's been a journey with many hands, kind words and kindness that I never knew existed.  I'll admit, I have and always will see the world as a better place than others may portray it.  That's who I've become and will continue to live.

Along this journey, a chapter I will close and a new one begins with a bucket full of gratitude.  I've come to see that words, no matter the amount can cause us to make change, one that I know is possible.  

Take a moment to say a kind word, smile or do what you are able for another.  Share your compassion, your empathy and the ability to listen to another.  Your words can lighten another, help create change and strength faith in even, themselves.  

Like a butterfly, we all evolve into something more than what is expected.  

Saturday 19 March 2016

Be your own

Life will throw curve balls, present hurdles and you may try to swing at them or jump over.  You may miss or stumble.  It's how you recover that counts.

You are the only one in your life to determine how this will end.  Looking back at the process will only delay what is in store for you.  Blaming others for outcomes won't be productive, nor will it help.  

Take a moment right now and reflect on what happened yesterday, did you do your best?  Did the outcome result in making you feel stronger, happier and did it give you a feeling of gratitude?  If it didn't then your effort wasn't enough.  Your outlook may need to change and it only starts with you, not another.  

Be your own cheerleader, be your own therapist, be your own inner strength.  Smile at the mistakes and learn from them.  Don't blame others for an outcome you may have had even the slightest control over.  You cannot control others actions or reactions so why would you think for a moment that others can take the responsibility of yours?  

Today is a new day, wash out the old and open your eyes, heart and life to the new beginning.  Let go of any emotion that holds you back and believe in yourself, know that you can do whatever you want to, when you put your mind to it.  

Lastly, if you falter it is okay.  Try again tomorrow.  You will be alright if you make it your own.  

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Loving yourself first

Listening to, what I feel is a bit of soul music, as I do, I gain some confidence and reflect on the past 44 years.  

I've got this silly grin, head tilted to the right and the fear of letting my confidence is falling to the side.

Mum could have told me until she was blue in the face that loving myself comes first.  In my head though, I always thought it was selfish.  Think of me first?  (I'm squinting my nose while typing this even).  

She was right.  I can't accept anything in my life until I accept myself completely.  Here's something you can do right now.  

Take a look at something you feel is your biggest physical flaw.  Turn it around to think this out loud.. yes, say it.  This isn't a flaw, this is what makes me unique!  We were not born perfect so why are we trying to be that now?  

Being all the same, we have similar energy, a light that shines.  It's letting it out for everyone else to see when we are ready.  Don't worry, if you don't think it's time now, it will be one day.  You'll expose your amazing, beautiful person to someone and they will love you when you are ready.  When you finally see that the biggest love you need in your life is the one you have for yourself.  

Simple moments of happiness

I keep trying to write about what's going on, where my head is and it seems to fall flat lately.  As most people, I have my ups and downs but that's not what I want to write about on a daily basis and finding inspiration for the right thing sometimes comes at moments when I am away from my computer, losing the ability to write what's in my mind at that very moment.  

Just now, as I'm washing my face I had a great memory that I wanted to share.

As you know, I am a strong believer in RAKS (Random acts of kindness) although some of mine are intentional, they come as honestly as a young child's laughter.  I never expect anything in return, never will.  Why do I have this strong desire to do it?  I had to question myself that last night.  A friend, just a short while back told me that they see people who volunteer use it as an escape, to run away from their issues.  Perhaps that's true but I see it as a form of creating happiness.  The former is true for myself.  

Well, back to where I was going with today's blog.  

I've been on a health journey as well.  Changing my eating habits and while on this trip, have lost some extra pounds.  This brought me to a local clothing store.  In need of a new pair of pants and with some assistance from the gals working, I had success.  

While walking up to the cashier, a young lady in front of me was wearing an item from the store and asking the girls who were working, their opinion.  Now, in my humble thoughts, I have to say, I felt the dress was fitted just for her.  She twirled around and had a light giggle.  catching me looking, I had to just say it. 
"You look amazing darling, don't pass this dress up, it's perfect for you.She poked one toe towards the other while her hand grazed the bottom of the dress, bashfully she said, "I'm unsure about it" and walked to the dressing room.  
Before she escaped, I told her not to pass the opportunity up to get the dress, it looked amazing and to have a friend take a photo so she could see their perspective.  The sales lady started to follow her, but not before I asked her to get me the tag.  

A few minutes later, the sales lady returned with the price tag.  I told her to add it to my bill and asked politely not to tell the young girl until after I left.  

I hope this put a smile on her face.  I know it made the sales lady light up.  I know it made me happy.  Just like the woman who bought me 3 pairs of shoes when I was a wee girl.  For nothing in return but a simple moment of happiness that we all want.

Thursday 3 March 2016

I am, therefore I will

Being a mum has been both the toughest and most rewarding thing I've done in my life thus far.  Nothing I'd change for anything in this life.  

When children first come into this world, your self doubt is at a high.  Everyone is offering to lend a word of advise.  You start to discover that you can trust yourself.

The age of 2 creeps up and before you know it, temper tantrums have erupted into full blown disasters, you think sleeping habits have started to develop but in the end, laughter follows each moment of discovery.  You've found yourself in the biggest test to date.  

Age 5 comes, and they are about to do their first independent adventure.  School.  You have been their body guard, life preserver, personal chef, maid and thought enhancer for their life to date and now you are expected to let go and trust someone else can do a better job.  

Before you know it, they've started to become their own person.  Some actions or words you see or hear that came from them can make you proud, others cringe.  Believe it or not, the ones that make you cringe are the opportunities to help them learn.  

As a parent, I urge you to take each cringing moment to use as a growing experience.  I can truthfully say that my 2 boys would roll their eyes when I saw a crack and then used the opportunity to fill it with discussion, creating a child with an open mind that learnt diversity rather than close minded who refused to grow.

My biggest drive in life this far was wanting to see my boys develop and grow on their own but padding the path with some positive, mind growing, eye opening diversity.  

I've seen where generations upon generations keep the same thought process.  Where they feel the worlds changing behaviors are wrong, that the basic thought of accepting any change is out of anyone's mind.  I want to not only guide my boys in the direction of learning to accept change but help create it.  

I will look back and know that the examples I give, the moments I capture and the opportunities given are nothing less that fantastic.  I am a parent, therefore I will.