Tuesday 29 March 2016

Life is, what you make it

Each day creates new discoveries, new challenges and new beginnings.  

Take every, single, split opportunity to make the most of what you have, what's near you and create something amazing.  Something beautiful.  Something you.

We only live once and I know it's hard not to worry about the moment, even the time that hasn't come to pass yet.  I suppose the key is to take a deep breath and be completely honest with ourselves.  We cannot change the past, the future is yet to happen so live in the present.  

Be happiest with what you have.  If, for one moment, you stop to worry, you will lose focus on how amazing life is.  

From the smallest pebble on the ground, to the clouds above.  This won't stress you out, in fact it will give you a moment of mental health.  A break from your worries.  You'll learn to appreciate the smallest of gestures, acts and your gratitude bucket will start filling up.  

The moment you leave behind the daily stresses and live in the moment, letting go of what you cannot control is the moment you start to smile, start to laugh and start to live.  

It will be okay.  You don't need much.  Just a bucket full of gratitude.  It's your life, make it amazing.

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