Saturday 19 March 2016

Be your own

Life will throw curve balls, present hurdles and you may try to swing at them or jump over.  You may miss or stumble.  It's how you recover that counts.

You are the only one in your life to determine how this will end.  Looking back at the process will only delay what is in store for you.  Blaming others for outcomes won't be productive, nor will it help.  

Take a moment right now and reflect on what happened yesterday, did you do your best?  Did the outcome result in making you feel stronger, happier and did it give you a feeling of gratitude?  If it didn't then your effort wasn't enough.  Your outlook may need to change and it only starts with you, not another.  

Be your own cheerleader, be your own therapist, be your own inner strength.  Smile at the mistakes and learn from them.  Don't blame others for an outcome you may have had even the slightest control over.  You cannot control others actions or reactions so why would you think for a moment that others can take the responsibility of yours?  

Today is a new day, wash out the old and open your eyes, heart and life to the new beginning.  Let go of any emotion that holds you back and believe in yourself, know that you can do whatever you want to, when you put your mind to it.  

Lastly, if you falter it is okay.  Try again tomorrow.  You will be alright if you make it your own.  

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