Tuesday 22 March 2016

Take a moment

In just over 13 hours from now, I'll be walking into a new chapter of a life that is something that I didn't think was possible.  It's not been without a few struggles, doubts and many fears.  Along with those though, it's been a journey with many hands, kind words and kindness that I never knew existed.  I'll admit, I have and always will see the world as a better place than others may portray it.  That's who I've become and will continue to live.

Along this journey, a chapter I will close and a new one begins with a bucket full of gratitude.  I've come to see that words, no matter the amount can cause us to make change, one that I know is possible.  

Take a moment to say a kind word, smile or do what you are able for another.  Share your compassion, your empathy and the ability to listen to another.  Your words can lighten another, help create change and strength faith in even, themselves.  

Like a butterfly, we all evolve into something more than what is expected.  

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