Thursday 3 March 2016

I am, therefore I will

Being a mum has been both the toughest and most rewarding thing I've done in my life thus far.  Nothing I'd change for anything in this life.  

When children first come into this world, your self doubt is at a high.  Everyone is offering to lend a word of advise.  You start to discover that you can trust yourself.

The age of 2 creeps up and before you know it, temper tantrums have erupted into full blown disasters, you think sleeping habits have started to develop but in the end, laughter follows each moment of discovery.  You've found yourself in the biggest test to date.  

Age 5 comes, and they are about to do their first independent adventure.  School.  You have been their body guard, life preserver, personal chef, maid and thought enhancer for their life to date and now you are expected to let go and trust someone else can do a better job.  

Before you know it, they've started to become their own person.  Some actions or words you see or hear that came from them can make you proud, others cringe.  Believe it or not, the ones that make you cringe are the opportunities to help them learn.  

As a parent, I urge you to take each cringing moment to use as a growing experience.  I can truthfully say that my 2 boys would roll their eyes when I saw a crack and then used the opportunity to fill it with discussion, creating a child with an open mind that learnt diversity rather than close minded who refused to grow.

My biggest drive in life this far was wanting to see my boys develop and grow on their own but padding the path with some positive, mind growing, eye opening diversity.  

I've seen where generations upon generations keep the same thought process.  Where they feel the worlds changing behaviors are wrong, that the basic thought of accepting any change is out of anyone's mind.  I want to not only guide my boys in the direction of learning to accept change but help create it.  

I will look back and know that the examples I give, the moments I capture and the opportunities given are nothing less that fantastic.  I am a parent, therefore I will.  

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