Thursday 26 November 2015

Simple gratitude

It doesn't take much to see the humanity. A smile, a touch, kind words and a little faith.

Don't see the negative, see the beauty in front of you. See beyond the broken branch on the limb, see the new growth under. See the passing of the old, see the birth of something new.

Life can only be changed by how you see it.

Thursday 19 November 2015

The challenges of finding your value

Learning the value in who you are is one of the biggest challenges you may come across.  

December 1, 1955  Rosa Parks was on a public bus, riding in the "colored" section on a public bus when the driver told her to give her seat up to a "white" passenger.  She said "no" and was arrested.  This started one of the biggest movements in history and was referred to the "First lady of civil rights".

October 28, 1929 women were finally considered "Persons" under the Canadian law.  This was led by the "Famous five" - Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinnley & Henrietta Muir Edwards.

October 9, 2014 Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out on the rights for girls to get an education.  She survived and has now become a spokesperson for human rights.  

My point here?  

Never devalue your voice, speak loud and clear.  
Never sell yourself short and know that one simple word can have ripple effects felt across the world, to many hearts needing to know they can to, do it.
Never stop believing.

Those above examples seem overwhelming but they were lead by people who believed strongly enough in what they were doing to stay true to their values.  People with a voice just like yours.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Change your focus

I have drafted 3 new blog posts but couldn't finish them due to .. well, lack of words.  Things have happened over the past 24 hours and it's taken my breath away.  Horrible things that should never happen, but they do.  

While I write this, I feel the urge not to take away from it but build on it.  Life is short and we all know, living it, is the most important.  Time to put our electronics down, put on some comfy jeans and head outside.  Take a look at what is around you this very moment.

On Wednesday, November 11th, I went out to enjoy a stroll in our city with a friend.  In the process, I witnesses 2 RAKS (Random acts of kindness) 

RAK 1 - A man was sitting on the side walk, cardboard in hands, no doubt asking for a bit of help.  I couldn't read it as it was still a bit too far but what I saw melted me.  A young lady in her mid 20's came up with a sandwich and warm beverage.  She didn't say much but he started to eat and drink away.  My friend and I continued on, eventually meeting up with the young RAK-er.  I gently tapped her on the shoulder.  She turned to look at me and I said; "Thank you for that RAK, It made my day to see it in action".  Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.  She was a bit tossed back but non-the-less, I got my gratitude out there without second guessing it.  

RAK 2 - Crossing the other street.  There were about 7-10 of us waiting for the light to change.  Among them was an older man, with a cane.  The light changed and we proceeded to cross and chat.  I looked back, the light was changing and a very tall, young man was walking beside the older man.  Now it was amazing in itself to see this but better yet that someone who might be stereotyped as a "tough kid" wasn't.  He spoke gently to the man and after they got across safely, he wished him a good day.  I poked at Denise and said.. "did you see that!"  

I didn't have time to hug him, although it would have been funny to do so.  

My point today is, live in the moment.  You only get this one life.  Even if we are afraid of another attack, another senseless form of anger it doesn't mean you should hide away.  Stop reading and start doing.  Look around you at the good, make a difference and be the change you want to see.

I hope you have an amazing Saturday.  

Sunday 8 November 2015

Be unstoppable

Ever do something that starts a spark inside?  Something that generates interest, creates passion in your soul?  

Of course you have.  Perhaps just one moment in time where you got so excited, it prevented you from sleeping.  Something that let your mind drift to when you least expected it.  

Take that spark and do something with it.  I know you can.  

Some word, a phrase, a sight or a smell.  You'll have a trigger that will bring you back to that very moment where you saw your spark start, keep it and fuel it.  If you doubt yourself for a moment, don't stop.  

Keep moving forward and make that change for you.  Don't worry about others trying to slow you down.  If you find an obstacle in the way, go around it, move it, change it.  They are there to test your will, and trust me when I say; you will succeed.  

Friday 6 November 2015

Sharing insight

Today, I was caught off guard by the words that came fluently from my lips.  I was busy making some changes and while this was being done, I chatted with a beautiful young lady.  
We discussed passions, jobs and carriers.  Of course, starting off with my passion.  I told her how through my life, I've discovered how much I love giving back.  How it is a personal reward.  

Then I went on my boys.  

I looked at her and told her, "if anyone tells you that raising kids are secondary, they are crazy."  I went on to tell her that I made a conscious decision to make raising them my job.  I was dead serious.  I work full-time in an office, and as it is quite fulfilling with many challenges while being paid enough to take care of bills, my real job is to raise children to become better than me.  In so many ways, they are already and I am very proud of the young men they have become or are becoming.  I want my kids to know who they are, what they stand for and create a life they want for them.  

I do not want mini-me's.  Lord knows I do a good enough job on myself, we don't need another.  (saying that laughing loud) 

She smiled, then shared some personal insight on her life.  

We are all similar I thought.  We all have great times, all personal issues but in the end it's empathy that bonds us when we open up.  I cannot express the gratitude I feel daily for people I meet, friends I find, and experiences I have.  

Don't discount what others might be going through, they could share some amazing insight. As for my kids, no matter their age I will always talk them up and encourage their personal development.  

They will forever be my legacy.   

Monday 2 November 2015

Living life

Every once in a while I take a moment to look at a photo of myself from 20 years ago.  Not because I'm a narcissist like many would claim me to be, but as a daily reminder.  

I was, once like you a different woman 20 years ago.  I was youthful and lighter and was carefree.  I also took all of those things for granted.  

20 years from now, I'll look back at today and stand with a bit of pride knowing full well, I started to live life.  

Today, I won't take for granted the air I breathe.  The words I choose, the freedom to love and the smiles I share.  It's not about the outer beauty but about the growth I am excited to see happen.  

We can look in the mirror and reflect on what we think are imperfections in the moment.  Be aware that those imperfections, 20 years from now will be moments of grace, never fall from that.  Never believe anything other than what you are, right now are the most amazing person you are in this very moment.  

I want you to breathe.  I want you to look up at the clouds and find something amazing.  I want you to let go of whatever you thought was perfect and find the perfection in your moment.  I want you to tell someone how much you care for them without skipping a beat and living life completely.  

After a short amount of time, you'll forget those "imperfections" and find happiness living life.  These things will help you with happiness, happiness will lead to something more amazing than you've ever anticipated.  

Just live life.  

Right of passage, is it right?

You know what I truly love?  Opportunities.  I'm sure my boys get sick of me when something comes up but I usually jump on board and have a conversation about what we were part of for the day or even the moment.  I can picture what they are thinking, eyes rolling back, and inside "oh, here we go again."  It doesn't matter, they are going to hear what I'm going to say.  

Today's discussion was summed up to "Right of passage".

I had the most amazing day with my youngest.  Internally, it started out on shaky grounds.  He went to his first "party".  He was honest enough to tell me what happened, his choices and I sat there just listening.  (By the way, he didn't do anything)

Someone might tell my son "it's a right of passage to do those things, don't worry!"  Then my mind started to slip to other times he's been told the same thing about other situations.  
  • Skip a class, don't worry about that mark - everyone does it one time or another.
You don't matter?!  Hold on kiddo, you are THE most important person in your life!  Don't sell yourself short.  Skipping a class or not handing in an assignment is exactly that.  

(the sound of a door slam in my head)
  • Girls - He's been told they are a right of passage.  This will happened, have fun and the more the merrier.  

(I've got the sound of car breaks squealing in my head)  

Girls?  What do you mean, you are entitled?  Where's the respect towards women?
  • Booze, drugs & other stuff - It's okay, everyone does it.  
(the sound of breaks from a car now cease and it's crashing into a wall)  

Why would you think it's okay to put something into your body like this? 

  • Demeaning and degrading someone else due to a difference - (They live in "xyz" and are rich kids) - I am told it's normal behaviour in the "locker room" and to relax.  

(My head is going to explode.)  

How is all of this both acceptable or in the slightest way OKAY

Shake your head if you think low self esteem, rape, abuse or bullying are OKAY?

For a moment, I implore you to put yourself in the other persons shoes, no matter their gender, their orientation, their skin colour.  Take a moment, remove yourself from where you stand and try to consider where they come from!  Does it make  a person bad for the choices they make in their lives?  Will it effect you?  

My idea of "right of passage" are these:

The meaning of kindness
Losing & winning
Facing fear

I could go on for a long time but you get the idea.  It's mostly about respect.  Respecting yourself and others.  If someone you know is pushing you into a corner where you feel you have no choice, stand up and tell them it is NOT okay, it is NOT normal and walk.  Their choice isn't worth your time.  

Rant over.