Friday 6 November 2015

Sharing insight

Today, I was caught off guard by the words that came fluently from my lips.  I was busy making some changes and while this was being done, I chatted with a beautiful young lady.  
We discussed passions, jobs and carriers.  Of course, starting off with my passion.  I told her how through my life, I've discovered how much I love giving back.  How it is a personal reward.  

Then I went on my boys.  

I looked at her and told her, "if anyone tells you that raising kids are secondary, they are crazy."  I went on to tell her that I made a conscious decision to make raising them my job.  I was dead serious.  I work full-time in an office, and as it is quite fulfilling with many challenges while being paid enough to take care of bills, my real job is to raise children to become better than me.  In so many ways, they are already and I am very proud of the young men they have become or are becoming.  I want my kids to know who they are, what they stand for and create a life they want for them.  

I do not want mini-me's.  Lord knows I do a good enough job on myself, we don't need another.  (saying that laughing loud) 

She smiled, then shared some personal insight on her life.  

We are all similar I thought.  We all have great times, all personal issues but in the end it's empathy that bonds us when we open up.  I cannot express the gratitude I feel daily for people I meet, friends I find, and experiences I have.  

Don't discount what others might be going through, they could share some amazing insight. As for my kids, no matter their age I will always talk them up and encourage their personal development.  

They will forever be my legacy.   

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