Saturday 14 November 2015

Change your focus

I have drafted 3 new blog posts but couldn't finish them due to .. well, lack of words.  Things have happened over the past 24 hours and it's taken my breath away.  Horrible things that should never happen, but they do.  

While I write this, I feel the urge not to take away from it but build on it.  Life is short and we all know, living it, is the most important.  Time to put our electronics down, put on some comfy jeans and head outside.  Take a look at what is around you this very moment.

On Wednesday, November 11th, I went out to enjoy a stroll in our city with a friend.  In the process, I witnesses 2 RAKS (Random acts of kindness) 

RAK 1 - A man was sitting on the side walk, cardboard in hands, no doubt asking for a bit of help.  I couldn't read it as it was still a bit too far but what I saw melted me.  A young lady in her mid 20's came up with a sandwich and warm beverage.  She didn't say much but he started to eat and drink away.  My friend and I continued on, eventually meeting up with the young RAK-er.  I gently tapped her on the shoulder.  She turned to look at me and I said; "Thank you for that RAK, It made my day to see it in action".  Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.  She was a bit tossed back but non-the-less, I got my gratitude out there without second guessing it.  

RAK 2 - Crossing the other street.  There were about 7-10 of us waiting for the light to change.  Among them was an older man, with a cane.  The light changed and we proceeded to cross and chat.  I looked back, the light was changing and a very tall, young man was walking beside the older man.  Now it was amazing in itself to see this but better yet that someone who might be stereotyped as a "tough kid" wasn't.  He spoke gently to the man and after they got across safely, he wished him a good day.  I poked at Denise and said.. "did you see that!"  

I didn't have time to hug him, although it would have been funny to do so.  

My point today is, live in the moment.  You only get this one life.  Even if we are afraid of another attack, another senseless form of anger it doesn't mean you should hide away.  Stop reading and start doing.  Look around you at the good, make a difference and be the change you want to see.

I hope you have an amazing Saturday.  

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