Sunday 8 November 2015

Be unstoppable

Ever do something that starts a spark inside?  Something that generates interest, creates passion in your soul?  

Of course you have.  Perhaps just one moment in time where you got so excited, it prevented you from sleeping.  Something that let your mind drift to when you least expected it.  

Take that spark and do something with it.  I know you can.  

Some word, a phrase, a sight or a smell.  You'll have a trigger that will bring you back to that very moment where you saw your spark start, keep it and fuel it.  If you doubt yourself for a moment, don't stop.  

Keep moving forward and make that change for you.  Don't worry about others trying to slow you down.  If you find an obstacle in the way, go around it, move it, change it.  They are there to test your will, and trust me when I say; you will succeed.  

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