Monday 27 April 2015

I may not be rich, I am however not poor

Growing up I didn't fully comprehend the greatness that surrounded me.  Granted, I was a child and my life had just begun.  

We moved often, shared clothing, were gifted food at times and like many children, used our imagination to make something from nothing.  I feared the unknown not wanting to explore outside of what I had.  It was a simple life but we had each other. 

I could not comprehend the road ahead, mostly wishing for that elusive magic ball telling me what was in store.  

Many years later, I look back to where things started and how each tiny event I've witnessed made me richer than the almighty dollar.

I have amazing friends and family, that without condition love and accept me, even with my flaws.  I have a roof over my head to keep me dry, clothing on my back to keep me warm and food to sustain me.  I have my sight, my voice and my ears.  I have a choice in life, for life with life.  

My children are my legacy, which not a single person can buy.  I've not spent a dollar on this, which I will admit every day I pay dividends into.  

I do my best to teach compassion, love and understanding.  I do my best to show patience and empathy, forgiveness and love.  

I'll show how to give without spending a dime, by investing my life with those who have the desire to make a change in this world.  No one, no matter what you do deserves anything other than respect.  From the person who cleans the bathroom to the one who runs a company.  

I may not be perfect, each moment, each day but I am okay with this.  

Being rich is not about how much you have, but about how much you can give.  


Saturday 25 April 2015

I can't point my first fall as a child but my first memory of one was painful.  I didn't want to do that again so I ensured my shoes were tied properly.  Life happened and for each fall I took, I learnt not only how to get up but how to ensure the next time it wouldn't hurt as much.  

This can apply to anything in our lives.  From simply physical injuries, emotional scars, financial choices or the biggest, our heart.  

I would like to say that every experience in my life I could take back but I won't.  It gave me insight that has made me someone I never dreamt I'd become.  What have yours given you?  What paths have you chosen due to the challenges given?

I will admit, some of my personal paths took me to places I couldn't imagine ...


I wouldn't change them for anything in this world and I'm going to enjoy this ride with the good, bad and ugly. 

So why would you do your every day when you can start to push yourself out of that comfort zone and become more.  I've had this in the back of my head for a few weeks now, the picture you see above and I know this is the direction I want to go.  I'm only here for the time allotted, why not do more than others expect?  I want to do more as it's what I expect.  Not for others but for myself.  

Returning to the start of this when I asked you ... would you change the choice to change the path or are you able to look back and say.. 

wow.. what an experience.  

I have, do and will.

Monday 20 April 2015

The brighter side of life.

I can not imagine life without the events that I've had.  Easy or tough, good or bad they've all given me something to grow from.  Experience is one teacher that no school is able to provide.  

Perspective is only gained by having such opportunities.  Growing from them is the key to living a full and amazing life.  Trust me when I say, I've learnt how many glass windows are in my home, therefor I no longer toss rocks.  It's not been easy to stop the judging.  In fact, I would guess it's more human nature to judge but as well all age, we come to know why things are the way they are.  

My test to you the next time you are about to jump to the assumption on anything you see is question one thing.  Why.  

Why is that girl a single mum.  What choices did she actually have to make?  Why is that man the way he is?  Who loved him for what he is inside and not out?  

Just for a moment, instead of assuming the worst, take a moment for compassion and you'll find that it may not be what you expected.  Stop being critical of others, yourself and believe in the better side of things.  You'll find the brighter side of life.

Friday 10 April 2015

Making the most out of each step

What is your drive?  

What truly puts a smile on your face, laughter come from your lips, a brighter line in your vision?

When I was 20, I was given the opportunity to do something.  Nothing I'd done before and the challenge was exhilarating.  I was asked to put together an event that would included media, key note speakers, donors and a few hundred guests.  

I started off doing my research on everything I needed to know.  In the midst of it, I was going through some difficult choices, including ones that made me doubt myself.  Getting through those times with this task was the key to the success of it all.  It was the first time taking on a such a roll.  I did it all while becoming a single mum.  I had those who put doubt into my head, those who laughed and those who walked away.  I still did it.  

It gave me passion.  

Now, 20+ years later I am not afraid of this.  In fact, it puts the smile on my face, laughter from my lips and brighter vision.  

I didn't go out searching for this, it happened while I was living life.  Now, looking back I wouldn't trade that for anything in this world.  Nothing I gave up then was worth the happiness I discovered along the journey.  

This isn't about me  though, it's about you.

Have you been trying hard to find it?  Stop.  Stop trying and start enjoying a good life.  You don't have to spend a dime to do something that will make you happy.  Volunteer to learn a new skill.  Something will happen where your spark will come and all of those wonderful things will happen to you. 

I know, the first step in living your life is the MOST frightening step you'll ever take but I promise you... it's worth it.  

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Small doses of glue

My grandmother always told me that if I need something, then I should go out and do something.  That no act, no matter how small was insignificant and was worth it.  No job, beneath me.  No person so low that I couldn't help.

If you see someone today, tomorrow or next week that you think needs a bit of glue, be it for them.  


1.) Make eye contact.
2.) Smile.
3.) Speak with kindness.
4.) repeat.

Small things that you do, will help put someone on the mend.  Do you know what is the best part?  You've put yourself aside for a moment and embraced someone else.  You've forgotten what was eating at you and for that split moment, you started to heal too.

Friday 3 April 2015

How rewards exceed the effort

As a grown woman, a mother of 2 boys (one 24, the other 14) I take my job seriously.  More so now than I did 24 years ago but that came with experience.

I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant and it never even crossed my mind to do anything other than give birth and raise this child.  Not because I am pro life, not because I had to prove to my parents I could, because I wanted to.  

It felt ... right.  It was actually the biggest thing in my life that did.  

I want for my boys the same thing my mum & dad wanted for me.  I want them to become strong individuals who are kind, compassionate and hard working.  

It became a drive for me, and I soon discovered it wouldn't be easy.  I don't know if I'll ever see an end result but I know I'll see rewards of hard work, dedication and a lot of love.  All followed up with acceptance, tolerance and seeing myself evolve.  

I wasn't the same girl then as I am today.  I sure had some selfish moments, pride driven decisions and perhaps let my emotions get the best of me.  The moment I changed?  I reflected after each reaction.  I read.  LOTS.  Some books gave me a new aspect that helped, some I just shook my head.  All in all, here are some of the things I've learnt.

1.) Those babies you raise to be adults WILL be a reflection of you.  

2.) You do NOT own them.  You are here to raise them, it was YOUR choice, not theirs.

3.) Providing a roof, clothing and food are essential but your ears, arms and heart are necessary.

4.) Learn with them.  It's the best education system out there and it won't cost you more than your time.  Some of the most profound moments in my life were with one or both of my boys.

5.) You will make mistakes.  Show your children it is okay and be the example of one who can get back up after a fall.  They watch every thing you do.

6.) Do not expect them to be you.  They aren't.  What you had growing up with they won't.  They may not play with cars, barbies or color in a book.  Let them express who they are, that's their job!  

I have many other thoughts in my head.  I may not be 100% right but so far, the rewards far exceed the effort it took.  

Lots of love,