Saturday 25 April 2015

I can't point my first fall as a child but my first memory of one was painful.  I didn't want to do that again so I ensured my shoes were tied properly.  Life happened and for each fall I took, I learnt not only how to get up but how to ensure the next time it wouldn't hurt as much.  

This can apply to anything in our lives.  From simply physical injuries, emotional scars, financial choices or the biggest, our heart.  

I would like to say that every experience in my life I could take back but I won't.  It gave me insight that has made me someone I never dreamt I'd become.  What have yours given you?  What paths have you chosen due to the challenges given?

I will admit, some of my personal paths took me to places I couldn't imagine ...


I wouldn't change them for anything in this world and I'm going to enjoy this ride with the good, bad and ugly. 

So why would you do your every day when you can start to push yourself out of that comfort zone and become more.  I've had this in the back of my head for a few weeks now, the picture you see above and I know this is the direction I want to go.  I'm only here for the time allotted, why not do more than others expect?  I want to do more as it's what I expect.  Not for others but for myself.  

Returning to the start of this when I asked you ... would you change the choice to change the path or are you able to look back and say.. 

wow.. what an experience.  

I have, do and will.

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