Monday 27 April 2015

I may not be rich, I am however not poor

Growing up I didn't fully comprehend the greatness that surrounded me.  Granted, I was a child and my life had just begun.  

We moved often, shared clothing, were gifted food at times and like many children, used our imagination to make something from nothing.  I feared the unknown not wanting to explore outside of what I had.  It was a simple life but we had each other. 

I could not comprehend the road ahead, mostly wishing for that elusive magic ball telling me what was in store.  

Many years later, I look back to where things started and how each tiny event I've witnessed made me richer than the almighty dollar.

I have amazing friends and family, that without condition love and accept me, even with my flaws.  I have a roof over my head to keep me dry, clothing on my back to keep me warm and food to sustain me.  I have my sight, my voice and my ears.  I have a choice in life, for life with life.  

My children are my legacy, which not a single person can buy.  I've not spent a dollar on this, which I will admit every day I pay dividends into.  

I do my best to teach compassion, love and understanding.  I do my best to show patience and empathy, forgiveness and love.  

I'll show how to give without spending a dime, by investing my life with those who have the desire to make a change in this world.  No one, no matter what you do deserves anything other than respect.  From the person who cleans the bathroom to the one who runs a company.  

I may not be perfect, each moment, each day but I am okay with this.  

Being rich is not about how much you have, but about how much you can give.  


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