Friday 10 April 2015

Making the most out of each step

What is your drive?  

What truly puts a smile on your face, laughter come from your lips, a brighter line in your vision?

When I was 20, I was given the opportunity to do something.  Nothing I'd done before and the challenge was exhilarating.  I was asked to put together an event that would included media, key note speakers, donors and a few hundred guests.  

I started off doing my research on everything I needed to know.  In the midst of it, I was going through some difficult choices, including ones that made me doubt myself.  Getting through those times with this task was the key to the success of it all.  It was the first time taking on a such a roll.  I did it all while becoming a single mum.  I had those who put doubt into my head, those who laughed and those who walked away.  I still did it.  

It gave me passion.  

Now, 20+ years later I am not afraid of this.  In fact, it puts the smile on my face, laughter from my lips and brighter vision.  

I didn't go out searching for this, it happened while I was living life.  Now, looking back I wouldn't trade that for anything in this world.  Nothing I gave up then was worth the happiness I discovered along the journey.  

This isn't about me  though, it's about you.

Have you been trying hard to find it?  Stop.  Stop trying and start enjoying a good life.  You don't have to spend a dime to do something that will make you happy.  Volunteer to learn a new skill.  Something will happen where your spark will come and all of those wonderful things will happen to you. 

I know, the first step in living your life is the MOST frightening step you'll ever take but I promise you... it's worth it.  

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