Monday 24 October 2016

What does it take?

I'm a wee bit behind on my last entry as I mentioned it would be the following day and here I am, somewhat trying to best put into words how giving helps the soul. 

Doing my best over a large stretch of years to give back, to show others how giving can benefit not just the recipient but your physical and mental well being.   As my personal journey has gone off on a tangent, I've had to strengthen the foundation to ensure the path to the end goal is safer.  It's not as dramatic as it sounds, trust me.    

I cannot fathom the amount of gratitude that I could have gained when I started volunteering.  I don't need or want much anymore, I am thankful every day for the moments I live in, the moments those I love, live in and truly embrace moments to come.  Although I do not have expectations, I'll admit I still live with an abundance of hope.  That's something I refuse to give up, no matter the outcome.  

Life, as I've promised in the past blogs, will toss you through a loop.  It's going to make you question everything you've learnt, the good and the bad.  Just know, this is completely natural.  

Do it, question everything, every day.  Try to make it better, if not for anyone but yourself.  

Live it happy.  

You can only change your personal outcome and not anothers.  Trying to understand or explain why someone's choice is, will not help you or cause benefit.  You just need to give it away to them to own. 

While being at Hope Mission in Edmonton, I volunteer with a group of amazing people, who without judgement and funding, feed others with food and love out of their own pocket.  This isn't just about filling the bellies, but about filling the heart of another.  Expressing a genuine concern for another who has nothing isn't something that just "happens".  I've seen this first hand.  My experiences going from stunned to open armed within less than a year has grown me as a human.  When I look back now, I've seen how much I've grown, I've seen how much others have grown and it warms my heart and soul knowing, that perhaps I've had a wee bit of input with this.. that perhaps, the ripple goes further than I've anticipated.  

I encourage you to head out and not only do a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) but do something with intention, without expecting anything in return.  Love unconditionally for a split moment so that your ripple becomes larger. 

Wednesday 19 October 2016

What if

I want to challenge you to seek something you've never done before.  Something that can not only benefit you but another along the way.  

In the next 24 hours, I want you to think outside the box and do something extraordinary.

Let me give you an example.

A few years back, I found a group on Facebook called "Food from the heart" (although it's a picture of a heart.)  

I explored what they do.  On Thursday's a group of people locally go to a shelter and feed the homeless that are lined up to get a warm bed for the night.  They do this on their own, without funding.  Preparing the food at their own homes, then serving it outside on a portable table that another brings.  Within an hour, the food is mostly gone but the group remains.  They stay and chat until the doors open with everyone in line.  Not only do they feed them, they make those in need feel part of the group.  Hugs are given.  Words are spoken and kindness is in abundance.  

I found this out because I started to go.  The first time, in awe with a friend.  The second and so forth with others or on my own.  Sometimes I bring food, sometimes just myself.  

I did this to prove to myself there is a kinder world out there, one that isn't propagated on social media or television.  One that is hidden but can be easily accessed.  

What if I hadn't searched out something like this?  

Perhaps my view on this world would have been different although I highly doubt it.  I have, and always will see it as a kinder world than what others choose to show us.  I hear others opinions about how social media isn't the greatest but what if... we all choose to make it something that is good and kind and meaningful?  What if, we choose to do something out of the box that is extraordinary?  

Make your something of "what if's" more than what is expected.  

I'll blog again after I go tomorrow with a few photo's of the extraordinary people that come to make a small difference of kindness, love and compassion.  

Tuesday 11 October 2016

How I see you

I was laying in bed, my head going a mile a minute so now I am finding myself sitting here in front of my computer screen wanting articulate in words the thoughts that keep me awake.

I want you to know something. 

You are amazing. 

To my family, my friends and even to those I've not met yet, I want you to know that I think you are perfect.

I mean it.

Look at yourself when you wake up.  Stand up and walk to the mirror.  You've come a long way.  It's been a journey and you are now in a place you can quietly (or loudly proclaim) 

YOU are okay.  

I don't care what gender you are, the size of your body or the length of your nose.  You are beautiful.  If you could only see what I see.  

I see this amazing person who is kind and generous.  Who can love without conditions or expectations.  Who gives to another without a second thought.  You are so much stronger than you know.  

If you saw what I see, you might be shocked.  

I see a friend who wears a superhero outfit under her daily clothing.  A mother who strives to have her family be more than what they know they can be.  A man who loves deeper than the ocean and has more faith in others than himself.  Stop short changing every action you do and start being proud of yourself.  

Although your journey isn't done, you need to know that you make others days brighter.  YOU create happiness with a simple smile.  Your heartbeat alone makes me want to cheer louder for you, to have you cheer yourself on is in itself an act of bravery.  So go ahead, love who you are and know, I am behind you 100% of the way.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

My tool box

I've been granted the gift of many tools from my parents, family and my friends, all walks of life and experiences. Good or bad.  

It's not the tool box you see that may be coloured red with items such as a hammer or saw but a box that is contained in my head and heart.

My tool box has an abundance of items I use, at times daily.  

I am no longer ignorant to others, learning this with the tool of compassion.

I am not above anyone else, learning this with the tool of humility.
I am not better than anyone else, learning this with the tool of kindness.  

The key to building your tool box is to live with your eyes wide open.  Do not be adverse to listening and learning from others.  Mostly, take each opportunity one to learn from and better yourself.  We cannot live without air, so live each moment as if it was dependent on your last breath.  Be open with who you are and if by chance someone can gain from your experiences, all the better.  

Sure, sharing can open the door to a bit of pain but I can promise you that there is more to gain from sharing than the chance of being hurt. 

The most amazing thing is when you have built your tool box, you can lend those out for others to use, to help build with and you'll never lose them.