Wednesday 19 October 2016

What if

I want to challenge you to seek something you've never done before.  Something that can not only benefit you but another along the way.  

In the next 24 hours, I want you to think outside the box and do something extraordinary.

Let me give you an example.

A few years back, I found a group on Facebook called "Food from the heart" (although it's a picture of a heart.)  

I explored what they do.  On Thursday's a group of people locally go to a shelter and feed the homeless that are lined up to get a warm bed for the night.  They do this on their own, without funding.  Preparing the food at their own homes, then serving it outside on a portable table that another brings.  Within an hour, the food is mostly gone but the group remains.  They stay and chat until the doors open with everyone in line.  Not only do they feed them, they make those in need feel part of the group.  Hugs are given.  Words are spoken and kindness is in abundance.  

I found this out because I started to go.  The first time, in awe with a friend.  The second and so forth with others or on my own.  Sometimes I bring food, sometimes just myself.  

I did this to prove to myself there is a kinder world out there, one that isn't propagated on social media or television.  One that is hidden but can be easily accessed.  

What if I hadn't searched out something like this?  

Perhaps my view on this world would have been different although I highly doubt it.  I have, and always will see it as a kinder world than what others choose to show us.  I hear others opinions about how social media isn't the greatest but what if... we all choose to make it something that is good and kind and meaningful?  What if, we choose to do something out of the box that is extraordinary?  

Make your something of "what if's" more than what is expected.  

I'll blog again after I go tomorrow with a few photo's of the extraordinary people that come to make a small difference of kindness, love and compassion.  

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